George Mansford

This modest and reticent warrior has left us quietly and without complaint. No brass bands or parades at his passing yet certainly grief and countless fond reflections of a soldier loved by all who knew him and who set the example with “Duty First” When warriors leave Planet Earth, be it early or late They’re content […]

From George Mansford – Warrior Poet and Commentator on topical Events “An old warrior by the name of John Burns made contact to advise he and other veterans of his unit who fought in Borneo, post WW2, were soon  to return there to recognize the 50th   year since the end of the war against Indonesia, […]

What would they, the diggers of ANZAC say As well as sons and daughters who followed in their way If to see today’s prostitution and threats to our way of life Values they defended with blood, sweat and tears in times of strife Secret ballot, freedom of speech and have a go at any political […]

Adversity comes in many forms as we know Floods, drought, bushfire and cyclones on the go Politicians we elect who can never get it right Depressions, recessions and mortgages are a fright There are other types of challenges we meet Complex official forms and red tape to complete Election to decide between liars and idiots […]

Where ever you go in our big brown land, that spirit is the same Always smouldering and now and then bursting into flame Be it in the big smoke among blinking coloured neon lights Or around a campfire beneath brilliant stars so bright   It comes alive as surging floods and constant teeming rain Take […]

Imagine if past generations could return and see The true state of affairs of our once lucky country It’s odds on they would shake their head in disbelief To see the futility of their sweat, blood and grief   We have many politicians who cannot plan beyond yesterday Such narrow vision they need guide dogs […]

I often wonder at the rapid momentum of social change in society including political correctness which to me is blight on common sense and reason. Once you could welcome a mate with “Gidday black fella, been walkabout?” and receive a quick reply such as “Bloody convict, where’s your ball and chain?” It was a typical […]

I was at a reunion to catch up with mates from long ago With a bride who was convinced that I was her hero Such joy as I recognised familiar faces well known for many sins I introduced my wife for whom I had fought hard to win Quick as a flash they were yarning […]

Some Things Never Change It seems politicians have no real regard for the profession of arms. On the contrary, their willingness to seek easy solutions can be measured by unjustified slashing of defence budgets whenever there is a shortage of coin and the need for a whipping boy with seemingly indifference in regards possible threats […]

TV in the comfort of home secure with key and lock Shows columns of semi-naked captives herded as sheep As armed shepherds taunt and bully the doomed flock The world yawns as to slaughter the prisoners creep   Freedom stolen; genocide on the move again Haunting nightmares stir from not so long ago Young and […]