Read the latest edition here
A Highlight item is DVA’s invitation to you – We’re conducting a review of Vetaffairs, and we’d like to hear from you!
Vetaffairs is DVA’s newspaper, which is distributed quarterly to about 220,000 members of the veteran and ex-service communities. It includes articles about Government policies, programs and initiatives, with a strong emphasis on mental and physical health and wellbeing.
DVA is interested in how to make Vetaffairs more useful and relevant to the transitioning and contemporary ex-service communities. DVA would like to know what information you would find useful and how Vetaffairs could best deliver this to you.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and your responses are anonymous.
Take our short survey here
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Other items in this e-news edition include:
Gold Cards for BCOF and BNT. As a result of a 2017–18 Budget measure, Gold Cards will be provided to both the surviving Australian participants of the British Nuclear Test (BNT) program in Australia, and Australian veterans who served as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) during the occupation of Japan immediately following the Second World War.
70 years of international peacekeeping. In September this year, a National Service of Commemoration will be held in Canberra to mark 70 years of Australia’s involvement in international peacekeeping.
I have just read an article in the latest Vets paper re Video Chronicles,
Australia’s Vietnam War, and was wondering if any of the 30 videos
included members of the Royal Australian Navy Helicopter Flight Vietnam 1967-1971, it seems very little is known about them and yet they served with distinction along with American personnel of the 135th Assault Helicopter Company during this time.
Thank you for articles.
S.A Cobble