The National Mental Health Commission today invited public input into the Review of the services available to veterans and members of the Australian Defence Force in relation to the prevention of self-harm and suicide.
A survey is now online and written submissions can also be made at until 22 November 2016.
“Everyone is encouraged to have their say on self-harm and suicide prevention services available to current and former members of the Australian Defence Force,” said Commission CEO, Peggy Brown.
“In particular, ex- and serving ADF personnel, their families, friends and carers, are invited to share their experiences.
“Providers, including community based and ex-service organisations as well as health professionals are also welcome,” Dr Brown said.
In addition to the survey and written submissions, the Review is being informed by focus groups, a reference group as well as consideration of previous studies and inquiries.
The Commission will present government with an interim report, based on the terms of reference, in December. The final report is due in February 2017.
“The Review will provide information and advice to the Australian Government to help focus future activity.
“Its focus is on understanding how the system works and identifying opportunities to make improvements for the benefit of current and former Defence personnel and those who support them,” she said.
The Review was announced in August by the Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.
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