Many thanks for your service to America, ladies!
Got this photo from a friend and fellow vet and thought it should be passed on.
It’s something most of us never hear/think about… Charles Yunker (USA)
They Gave Too!!!
Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker was killed in Afghanistan in an IED incident along with two other NZ soldiers in 2012. She will go down in history as the first female New Zealand soldier to be killed in action.
There were 10 women serving in Bamiyan and another two at the United States air base at Bagram near the capital Kabul at the time and females make up 16 per cent of the wider NZ Defense Force.
An important comment at the time; “A lot of European countries are putting women on the front line because of the roles we do with community engagement. Having women there to interact with children and other women in Islamic society becomes quite important.”
We thank all the men and women who put there country before themselves, and this is an amazing act of courage for all these women to have gone through what they have and to still see them all smiling is inspiring.