In a world of political correctness, be careful what you say
A slip of the tongue means exile and a high cost you will pay
Offer contrary views which upset our new regime, then watch out!
You’re branded racist, stricken with islamophobia or an ignorant lout
Don’t call politicians “useless basxxrds,”as once we used to do
There’s every chance that with today’s laws, Canberra Suits could sue
A new rule when watching a footy match is “never heckle”
Otherwise you will be an instant leper or the status of Doctor Jekyll
It’s fisherpersons now, so bite your tongue if you talk of fishermen
Sketch a controversial scene and you may forfeit more than your pen
Wait fort green lights flashing “him and her” before crossing a street
Standing up or doffing a hat to a lady is at your peril when you greet
How odd it is that some will march for women’s rights
Yet polygamy, female circumcision and other evils are never in sight
So be alert if you anger a feminist with your honest views
You’ll be on a hit list and frankly, cobber, its curtains for you
All is not lost if you travel far and visit our rugged Outback
Where commonsense and honesty are yet to be put on the rack
At the pub where tribes meet and if you shout “drinks for the guys”
“It’s Sheilas and Blokes, you silly basxxrd” the barmaid will cry
George Mansford © April 2017
Note. Basxxrd has been censored because many of my friends have politically correct computers