Ian Stenlake, the lead actor in the popular Sea Patrol TV series, has come out fighting in support of a fair system for military retirement pensions.
erved in the Australian Defence Force, but was surprised to learn
how poorly the “hard working Australians who have served their nation” have been treated in their retirement in terms of their superannuation pension
and super payments.
“The pension isn’t even adjusted to keep pace with the real cost of living,” Stenlake said.
Ian is supporting the Fair Go! Campaign, which calls for the fair indexation of military superannuation pe
nsions, by using the same percentage increase that applies to the Age pension.
David Jamison, National President of the Defence Force Welfare Association and spokesperson for the
Alliance of Defence Service Organisations, welcomes Ian’s involvement as sees it as a subtle, but significant step in the campaign. “There is no doubt that our case for fair indexation is resonating with the general pu
“The Government and the Opposition should be in no doubt that our Campaign is continuing and it will only ramp up in the coming months” he said.
“We won’t go away until this fundamental wrong is righted” he concluded.