“What have you seen my son and what is that look in your eyes? ”
“Nothing;” Why do you ask this of me mother you turn away when I speak of it.
“What have you seen my lover and what is that look in your eyes?”
“Nothing;” Why do you ask this of me my lover you turn away when I speak of it.
“What have seen my brother and what is that look in your eyes?”
“Nothing;” Why do you ask this of me my brother you turn away when I speak of it.
“What have you seen my friend and what is that look in your eyes?”
“Nothing;” Why do you ask this of me my friend you turn away when I speak of it.
“I know what you have seen, I have been there too and I will listen to you my brother and share my experience.”
“Why are you so angry my son?“
”I am not;” Can you not see this pain is mine.
“Why are you so angry my lover?“
”I am not;” Can you not see this pain is mine.
“Why are you so angry my brother?”
“ I am not;” Can you not see this pain is mine.
“Why are you so angry my friend?”
“I am not;” Can you not see this pain is mine.
“I know this pain of conscience you are in I don’t know why either but I will listen and we shall share this pain.”
Only those that have seen with your eyes and know your heart can understand.
Craig Hannan 2012.