Some wore chains, felt the lash and toiled with fear
Generations that followed strived with blood, sweat and tears
In time a nation was born and soon after, ANZAC was the battle cry
Came the Great Depression and many asked God “Why?”
The Coat Hanger an engineering feat as was the Snowy Hydro too
Among many proud pages of our history, these were but a few
Unseen, we from yesterday are near as you seek your tomorrow
We hear gentle winds whisper of your joys and sorrows
We listen to the school bells ringing
The sweet sounds of church choirs singing
The familiar roars and cheers at the weekend footy games
The laughter and applause from local theatres of countless names
We watch with pride at the Olympics as our flag flies high above
Melbourne cups and the big grand finals which Oz does love
The soap box in the park and the cry of “a fair go for all”
In both city and bush “come in spinner” is still a familiar call
You have stood the test of war, flood, fire and drought
In tough times you share with others and often go without
If there was to be a warning for Oz, it would be this
Guard our values well, for apathy is deceitful bliss
Political correctness has become a terrible curse
It destroys common sense, free speech and even worse
Your free and happy way of life is the pulse beat of this great land
A priceless gift not to be eroded or cheapened by ignorant bands
Never forget those dreams for tomorrow and what can be done
By you and those yet to be born in a land where all are as one
Our spirits will watch with pride as you set the scene
For the rest of the world to follow where you have already been
George Mansford©February 2013