The Regimental Sergeant Major

Inspired by the departure of WO1 Brian Moore, RSM,  51st Battalion, Far North Queensland Regiment and dedicated to all those ugly bastards who wore galloping horses and carried a pace stick



Imagine so many ghosts marching past

From the original senior soldier to the very last

One after the other in single file

Then reflect on their service for awhile

They began as recruits to learn the tricks of trade

In time, unit RSMs they were made


Watchdogs of their respective band of brothers

So erect and proud alongside others

Setting standards for all to emulate

With eagle eye for errant soldiers to berate

Be it in peace or war, these mentors set the scene 

Demanding soldiering skills which otherwise would not have been


On the parade ground the RSM shouts and screams

God help any idle soldier in a dream

Blink, scratch a nose or lose step marching with a Band

Then watch out for The Terror with pace stick in hand

Always the master with often just one sharp word of command

And all on parade obey as one to his demand 


When duty done and this mentor bids hooray

The cycle still continues forever and a day

A new RSM arrives and no change other than name and face

Another generation is prepared for Mars frequent bloody race  

So, as that long ghostly single file from yesterday marches past

Perhaps you’ll hear a familiar scream “Idle soldier, stand fast “

George Mansford © September 2012

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