Stand Tall For PTSD

A Resounding success!!!

Dear All,

PTSD15 was an absolute resounding success. I could never have dreamed it would make such a difference although deep down that’s exactly what I was after. I’m pretty sure that in the space of two days we have advanced the direction of where we need to be with this illness by a year or two. We brought together a myriad of people involved in research, counselling and treatment who have expanded their knowledge and are now comparing notes for the greater good.

To every person who was there as a delegate, a dinner guest, a presenter, a sponsor or a helper thank you for being part of such an historical event. To all of you and those of you who couldn’t make it please put September 8 and 9, 2017 in your diary because we will follow up. It will take us a while to disseminate all of this valuable information and put it in front of the authorities who count.

We will then plan PTSD17 which will be bigger and better. In the words of Dr Andrew Khoo this will be THE PTSD event to attend.

We are editing all of the presentations which were all captured on video and/or audio. I’m sure they will be available once we have ascertained any copyright issues and there will be a photograph archive you will all have access to. The best place to stay up to date on future media releases is our Facebook Page

To the media who are still writing or reporting negative stories you should have been there to be part of the good news. There are hundreds of people in this country who are doing excellent work in this space. Talk to them.

While PTSD15 was for the researchers, counsellors, clinicians, military and first responders we now have to take a lot of that information and inform and educate the public at large. For six months or so we have been working on a national campaign which will come to light shortly.

We’re doing it all again in 2017 (September 8-9) register your interest here

Please keep your eye out for ‘’Carry the Challenge’’

Tony Dell from Stand Tall for PTS.

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