This Part provides details of publications and other materials generated by individuals, telling their own or others’ factual stories without official backing to do so. They differ from Part 2 mainly on the basis that the individual author/s are responsible for their product, not the organisation from which they came or write about.


ANONYMOUS, Stories of Australians at War

ABC Books Australia, Sydney, 2002

ISBN: 0733310788

236 pages.

Contains short personal exploits from the Boer War to the First Gulf War, and Peacekeeping operations.


BEALE, Pat DSO, MC – Operation Orders: The experiences of an Infantry Officer: Malaya, PNG, Vietnam 1963-1970

Australian Military History Publications, Loftus NSW, 2003

ISBN: 1876439513

Index, 141 pages.

Contains descriptions of service in Malaysia, including operations in Borneo with 3RAR during the period 1963-65. Also included is service in Papua New Guinea during 1967-69 and operations in Vietnam with the AATTV during 1970-71.


BEVAN, Scott – Battle Lines: Australian Artists at War

Random House Australia, Milson’s Point NSW, 2004

ISBN: 1740513290

Bibliography, paintings; 310 pages.

War artists from the Vietnam War through to the First Gulf War, Iraq and Timor including by an ex-RAR soldier who became a war artist.


BURGESS, Pat – Warco: Australian Reporters at War

William Heinemann Australia, Melbourne, 1986

ISBN: 0855610565

Index, Bibliography, Illustrated maps; 254 pages.

Addresses the period of the Vietnam War and beyond from a war correspondence’s perspective.


BURCHETT, Wilfred G – Vietnam: Inside Story of the Guerrilla War

International Publishers Co Inc, 1965

Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 65-19627


Bib ID: 2525680

Index; 252 pages.

An eyewitness report by the only Western writer known to have travelled throughout the areas of Vietnam controlled by the National Liberation Front.


CANNARD, Patricia and SHEPPARD, Monica (Editors) – The Digger’s Own Stories

The Third Battalion Royal Australian Regiment Corporation / Victory Press Printing, Bribie Island, 2009

ISBN: Vol 1 9780 9807020 0 2  

ISBN: Vol 2 9780 9807020 1 9

Vol 1 – captioned photographs; 342 pages.

Vol 2 – list of authors; 348 pages.

Over 250 personal stories, letters, tributes and poems. Articles comprising

personal stories, extracted from 21 years of 3RAR journal (Old Faithful) from every conflict in which 3RAR has served from Korea to Afghanistan. 150 authors, including ironically, Chin Peng, the leader of the enemy during the Malayan Emergency 1948-60 and then the Communist Insurgency/Second Malaysian Emergency 1968-89, the latter of which involved all RAR battalions through the provision of Rifle Company Butterworth.


COBLEY, Colonel Philip (Tom) – The Final Tally 1969-2009

The London Press, London, 2009

ISBN: 978-1-905006-96-0

ISBN: 9781905006991 (pbk) – 384 pages

Index, 278 pages.

An autobiography of his military career spanning forty years from entry to RMC Duntroon in 1969 for service in the Australian Army and thereafter in the British Army. Chapter Four covers his service in the RAR during the period 1976 -1984.


CAULFIELD, Michael (Editor) – Voices of War: Stories from the Australians at War Film Archive

Hodder Australia, 2006

ISBN 10: 0733620507

ISBN-13: 978-0733620508

Index, credits, 451 pages.

The stories of ordinary Australians caught up by circumstances, and by duty. Personal stories of participants in all wars from WW 1 to Somalia. 1, 2 & 7 RAR are mentioned.


CLARK, LG and NIXON Marion – Bulldust Baffles Brains

Marion Nixon Pty Ltd, Crawley WA, 1992 (1st Edition, 1997 (2nd Edition)

ISBN: 0 606 11080 2

Cartoons by Paul Rigby; 152 pages.

A supported autobiography that includes time in Japan and then Korea (with 3 RAR), part of a lifelong story that includes service with the SASR in Vietnam.


CLAYTON, Nigel – Australian Infantry

This book has the same content as KELLY, Simon – The Long Road To Rwanda

Nigel Clayton (self published), 2005

ISBN: 0 9757409 0 3

Glossary, 172 pages.

This compilation of short stories takes the reader on a journey through 16 years of service in the RA Inf/RAR. It includes peace time training and time on operations, from 1981 to 1996.


CORRIGAN, Brian – In Harm’s Way

Pan MacMillian Australia, 2008

ISBN: 9781405038676

ISBN: 9781742624853 (e-book)

ISBN-10: 1405038675

Colour plates; 261 pages.

In late 2006 Brian Corrigan led an SAS team into Lebanon to retrieve the two small children of Melissa Hawach. In Harm’s Way is Brian’s story of what happened in Lebanon – their daring rescue mission and subsequent capture. Includes details of Corrigan’s background, and service with 3RAR and his two tours of East Timor prior to leaving the Australian Army. Several different ISBN identified.


COSGROVE, Peter General – My Story

Harper Collins Publishers Australia Pty Ltd, 2006

ISBN: 0732283841

ISBN: 9780730445180

ISBN 10: 0730445186

Index, 468 pages.

General Cosgrove’s autobiography includes his service with 1RAR in Malaysia 1969; 9RAR and the 1st ATF Defence & Employment Platoon in Vietnam 1969-1970; 5/7 RAR, CO 1 RAR and later, command of HQ 1st Div/DJFHQ, and INTERFET in East Timor 1999-2000, then CGS and CDF.


CRUICKSHANK, James Arthur ‘Jim’ – In the Sun Down Under: Recollections and Memories

Self-published, Self-funded, 1977 (1st Edition), 2002 (2nd Edition)


Hardbound volume held by family, copy 2nd Edition also in RARA Office.

A personal recollection of his service and family life in the British Royal Marines and the Australian Army with particular reference to his service with the RAR in Korea and Vietnam. Copy procurable through Registrar.


DEFENCE WIDOWS SUPPORT GROUP ACT, (Compilers) – Here There and Away, Voices of the families of those who served

Big Sky Publishing Pty Ltd, Newport NSW, Australia

ISBN: 9781922132161 (pbk)

Bibliography; 297 pages.

A unique collection of heart- warming and entertaining stories from the families of ex-servicemen across the three branches of the ADF. The RAR is well represented.


DEPT OF VETERANS’ AFFAIRS – Simply Hell Let Loose: Stories of Australians at War

ABC Books – Australia, Sydney, 2002

ISBN: 0733310788

ISBN: 9780733310782

Book and braille editions; 236 pages.

Contains short personal exploits from the Boer War to the Gulf War, and Peacekeeping operations. One story is of a 2RAR sniper in Korea, Pte Cyril ‘Frenchy’ Ray.


DICKENS, Barry – Ordinary Heroes: Personal recollections of Australians at War

Hardie Grant Books, Melbourne, 1999

ISBN: 9781864981032

312 pages.

Records the author’s frank interviews with ordinary Australians who found themselves involved in the most nightmarish events of the twentieth century. An RAR South Vietnam veteran is interviewed. Several ISBNs.


ESSEX-CLARK, John – Maverick Soldier: An Infantryman’s Story

Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1991

ISBN: 0522844537

Index; 237 pages.

The autobiography of an infantryman who rose to the rank of brigadier from private soldier during several post-WW II campaigns in the South African and Australian armies.


ESSEX-CLARK, John DSM – Hassett: Australian Leader

Australian Military History Publications, Loftus NSW, 2005

ISBN: 1876439653

Index, bibliography; 293 pages.

The biography of General Sir Francis Hassett includes detail of his command of 3RAR in Korea during 1951-52, especially the Battle of Maryang San in October 1951.


FAULKNER, Andrew – Stone Cold: the extraordinary true story of Len Opie Australia’s Deadliest Soldier

Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, 2016

ISBN: 9781742373782

Index; 320 pages.

Through three wars, Len Opie carved a reputation as one of the country’s greatest infantrymen. This book takes the reader into New Guinea and Borneo and some of the fiercest battles of World War II. It goes to the cold heart of Korea, where Len emerged from the ranks to fight in the Battles of Kapyong and Maryang San. And it drops the reader into the centre of the American counterinsurgency war in Vietnam with Len’s involvement in the CIA’s shadowy black ops program, Phoenix.


FIELD, Paul – Gimme Shelter: Stories of courage, endurance and survival from the frontline and back home

Echo Publishing, Richmond VIC, 2017

ISBN: 9781760404352

Images; 291 pages.

A compilation of twenty stories of men and women including Vietnam, East Timor and Afghanistan veterans, some with struggles in both war and thereafter having returned to everyday life after military (and other) service. Includes individuals who served with the RAR.


GIBBONS, Margaret – 50th Anniversary The Royal Australian Regiment 1948-1998: Remember the Green Parrot

The RAR Association Queensland Branch, Brisbane, 1998


67 pages.

Poems of events, activities and characters of the Regiment from its first 50 years.


GIBBONS, Margaret – The RAR’s National Memorial Walk

The RAR Association Queensland Branch, Brisbane, 2010


30 pages.

A brief history of the Walk’s establishment and those who made it happen. Includes photographs and an Honour Roll.


GIBBONS, Margaret – March to Hoop-de-do

Self Published, Brisbane, 2012


Colour photos, A4; 28 pages.

A book of 14 poems dedicated to soldiers who have served with 2RAR and other RAR battalions. Each poem is illustrated with a coloured photo and preceded with a short story which provides a poignant background to the poem.


GREY, Jeffrey – A Soldier’s Soldier: A Biography of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Daly, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge , 2013

ISBN 10: 1107031273

ISBN 13: 9781107031272

Index, References, 264 pages.

Daly was a renowned soldier and one of the most influential figures in Australia’s military history. As Chief of the General Staff during the Vietnam War, he oversaw a significant re-organisation of the Army during that war under political and resource restrictions.


HESELTINE, Harry (Editor) –The Shock of Battle: Occasional Paper No. 16

UNSW, Australian Defence Force Academy, Campbell ACT, no date

ISBN: 0731700880

Bib ID: 2616775

Bibliography; 182 pages.

Contains a series of papers on ‘battle shock;’ includes Vietnam and some RAR references.


KELLY, Simon – The Long Road To Rwanda

This book has the same content as CLAYTON, Nigel – Australian Infantry

Meni Publishing & Binding, Cranbrook Vic, 2006

ISBN: 978 0 9757409 7 2

Glossary; 244 pages.

This compilation of short stories takes the reader on a journey through   16 years of service in the RA Inf/RAR. It includes peace time training and time on operations from 1981 to 1996.


KENNY, Ross MM – Duty First Can Be Fun

Self-published; location and date published TBA

ISBN: Unknown

Includes coloured photos, 34 pages.

This is a self-depreciating humorous look at an impressive career which spanned over 30 years as he rose through the ranks from private to major and served in over a dozen different countries while doing so.


 LAFFIN, John – Digger: The Legend of the Australian Soldier

Cassell and Company, 1959,1960

ISBN: 0333414705

McMillan, 1986, 1990

ISBN: 0-7251 0594 1

Index, 296 pages.

The RAR and SASR are mentioned briefly, with individuals and place names in the Index. Multiple reprints exist with each edition having its unique value to the researcher.


LENNOX, Gina – Forged by War: Australians in combat and back home

Melbourne University Press, Carlton VIC, 2005

ISBN: 0 522 851711

Notes, no index; 326 pp.

Australian veterans including General Peter Cosgrove and other RAR veterans and their families discuss war and how it has changed their lives, and the personal consequences of military service on family relationships.


LOWRY, Robert – The Last Knight, A Biography of General Sir Phillip Bennett AC, KBE, DSO

Big Sky Publishing, Newport NSW, 2011

ISBN: 9780980814040 (hbk)

Index, bibliography, 409 pages.

Bennett’s story is not only one of battles and heroic exploits, but also a story of the contest for ‘policy dominance’ between the civil servants and the military leadership, illustrating what was involved in forging the foundations of the Australian Defence Force. He was the last Knight to command the Australian Defence Force while serving.


LINDSAY, Patrick –The Spirit Of The Digger: Then and Now

Pan Macmillan Australia, Sydney, 2003

ISBN: 0732911818

Index; 324 pages.

Deals with the Australian soldier from the First Fleet to Afghanistan. Many personal experiences from members of the RAR included.


LINDSAY, Patrick – The Spirit of the Digger

Harper Collins, Sydney, 2011

ISBN: 978 0 7322 9275 (pbk)

Index, references; 320 pages.

This second edition, with the shorter name, also lists the 27 soldiers KIA in Afghanistan as at the time of publication, most of whom were, or had served in, the RAR.


MANSFORD, George – The Spirit of Australia: A Collection of Short Stories and Verse

George Mansford, Gordonvale, 2016

ISBN: 978-0-646-91283-7

“Warrie” George provides immense insights to service in the RAR with this publication. Some specific and some general, these stories and poems address the camaraderie, mateship, sacrifice, humour and other sentiments with which everyone to have served in the RAR can immediately associate.


MEEHAN, Robert (Compiler) – RAR Buddies: “What a Bloody Laugh”

Zeus Publications, Burleigh QLD, 2013

ISBN: 978-1-92229-11-3 (pbk)

298 pages.

A wide-ranging collection of about 130 soldier stories from across most deployments in which RAR members have served. Highly insightful material which gives a soldier’s perspective of life in the Regiment. Language warning is provided by the author – he quotes some sources verbatim.


MEEHAN, Robert OAM (Compiler) – RAR Buddies: “Still Bloody Laughing”

Zeus Publications, Burleigh QLD, 2015

ISBN: 978-1-92229-63-2 (pbk)

380 pages.

A follow-on publication to the 2013 book by a similar name (see above). Another wide-ranging collection of about 200 soldier stories from across most deployments in which RAR members have served. Highly insightful material which gives a soldier’s perspective of life in the Regiment. Language warning is provided by the author – he quotes some sources verbatim.


MCFARLANE, Brian – We Band of Brothers

Brian W McFarlane, Bowral NSW, 2000

ISBN: 0646388495

Bibliographical references, index; 449 pages.

Covers the author’s early life, his time in school cadets, national service officer training and overseas service in Malaya, Papua New Guinea and South Vietnam.


MORRISON, Major Robert (RAAC) (Compiler)- The Warrior Poets: An Anthology: Poetry of The Australian Army 1901-2001

Australian Military History Publications, Loftus NSW, 2001

ISBN: 1876439149

(Index, bibliography; 435 pages. CD included.

Covers poetry from the BCOF through all campaigns and peacekeeping operations that the RAR participated in up to 2001.


NEAVE, Denny – Aussie Soldier: Up Close and Personal

Big Sky Publishing, Wavell Heights QLD, 2008

ISBN: 9780980325119

Index, bibliography; 316 pages.

Mainly includes anecdotes from over 200 Australian soldiers covering all conflicts involving the RAR at the time of publication.



Big Sky Publishing, Wavell Heights QLD, 2008

ISBN: 9780980325133

Photos, 182 pages.

A collection of stories that are entertaining, emotional and humorous. The RAR is well represented.


NEAVE, Denny (Editor) – SOLDIERS’ TALES # 2

Big Sky Publishing, Wavell Heights QLD, 2012

ISBN: 9781921941795 (pbk)

Photos, 176 pages.

Soldier’s Tales # 2 is a further unique collection of personal accounts told by soldiers or relatives who have lived with their soldiers’ stories. The RAR is well represented.


PARRY, Bill – We Were There in the RAR

Immaculate Heart Printhall, Baguio City Philippines, 2005

ISBN: 0957951329

289 pages.

True stories about the RAR’s commitments on active service and peace keeping missions from the Korean War to Iraq as at the time of publication.


PARRY, Bill – Battle Heroes and Humour in the RAR

New Baguio Offset Press, Philippines, 2007

ISBN: 0957951337

302 pages.

True stories, humour and poems from at home and abroad from Korea to Vietnam. It captures the ethos of life in the RAR.


PRASCEVIC, James – Returned Soldier: My Battles: Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan, Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Melbourne Books, Melbourne, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-922129-41-3

16page colour section, 280 pages.

The author’s story of service with 1 RAR in three different operational environments and the personal battle he had with the consequences.


SADLER, Rex & HAYLLAR, Tom – In the Line of Fire

Pan Macmillan, Sydney, 2006

ISBN: 9780330422475 

Index, bliographical references; 358 pages.

Explores the nature of combat from the perspective of the men doing the actual fighting. Includes Korea and Vietnam.


SAVAGE, Roy – Roy (Doc) Savage’s Diaries

Self-published, 2004

ISBN: Not applicable

Accessible at:

Multiple personal and generic photographs, presented in timeslots that make convenient reading.

A web-based diary of a soldier who served from 9 Feb 61 to 24 Nov 98. Service included that with 3 RAR and 7 RAR. Malaya, Malay-Thai border, Borneo and Vietnam.


SMITH, Harry – Long Tan – The start of a lifelong battle

Big Sky Publishing, Sydney, 2016

ISBN: 9781925275780

Index; 352 pages.

This source recounts the battle for which there are other source histories, including from Smith himself. This source provides a coverage of his life including service with the RAR in Malaya and South Vietnam. This one includes the post-Vietnam struggle to achieve greater individual recognition for members of his company who were on the ground in the actual battle, a seminal outcome to occur in 2016. It provides a revealing insight into operational decision making including mistakes and blunders as well as the eventual victory albeit at a high cost in casualties on both sides, and being a “near-run” thing for D Coy 6 RAR, and in fact, the whole Australian force.


STRETTON, Alan – Soldier in a Storm

Collins Publishers Pty Ltd, Sydney, 1978

ISBN: 000216406X

320 pages.

Alan Stretton’s autobiography includes details of his service as CO 2 RAR in Malaya 1961-1963. Also includes 5/7 and 6 RAR’s assistance during the Cyclone Tracy recovery operations. This book is deliberately listed here (for longitudinal researchers) AND in last section of this PART (humanitarian and DACC operations).


WARNER, Denis – Not Always On Horseback: An Australian Correspondent At War And Peace In Asia 1961-1993

Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, 1997

ISBN: 1864484675

Index, 266 pages.

Although the Regiment is only briefly mentioned it provides a detailed background in which the Australian forces operated post-WWII, providing perspective to the various deployments in which the RAR battalions participated.


WARNER, Denis – Not With Guns Alone

Hutchison Australia, Sydney, 1977

ISBN: 0091303206

Biographical references; 286 pages.

Some references to the RAR.




BARTLETT, Norman (Editor) – With the Australians in Korea

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1954, 1959, 1960

BIB ID: 2187331

ISBN: none

Index, bibliography; 294 pages.

Story of Australia’s part in the Korean War told mostly

by the men who served as combatants or war correspondents. Several updates available.


BLANKLEY, Jack – A Going Around the Mulberry Trees: Korea 1952-53

Publisher TBA

ISBN: Unknown


Personal memoir of a New Zealand-born Australian who served in Korea as an infantry signaller with 3RAR. Out of print and rare, but occasionally able to be located.


CLUNE, Frank – Ashes of Hiroshima: A Post-War trip to Japan and China

Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1950

BIB ID: 710425

ISBN: none

299 pages Bibliography, maps on lining paper

WWII 1939-45 – Japan – Allied Occupation 1945-52 – Personal Narratives.


GERSTER, Robin – Travels in Atomic Sunshine, Australia and the Occupation of Japan

Scribe Publications Pty Ltd, Melbourne, 2008

ISBN: 9781921215346 (hbk)

Index, notes, pictures; 327 pages.

For over six years, up to 20,000 Australian servicemen, of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force including their wives and children, participated in an historic experiment in nation-building in Japan dominated by the United States. This is regarded by many as the forerunner of today’s peacekeeping missions for Australian troops.


GORDON Harry – The Embarrassing Australian: The Story of An Aboriginal Warrior

Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, 1962. Second edition 1965

BIB ID: 2280405


172 pages.

A tribute to Lieutenant Reginald Saunders, the first aboriginal to become an officer in the Australian Army. He served in the Middle East, Greece, Crete during WW II, and then in Korea with 3RAR as OC C Coy.


GREEN, Olwyn – The Name’s Still Charlie

University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1993

ISBN: 0702224715

Bibliographical references, 302 pages.

Biography of Lieutenant Colonel Charles Green, an Australian hero of WWII and Korea. Covers his time with 41st Battalion (Militia) prior to WWII, the 2/11 Battalion during WWII, and then 3 RAR in Korea where he was KIA. Republished in 2010 by Australian Military History Publications: ISBN: 978-0-9805674-3-4, being a facsimile of the 1993 Edition.


HASTINGS, Max – The Korean War

Pan Books Ltd, Sydney, 1988 (First published by Michael Joseph Ltd 1987)

ISBN: 071812068X

Index, bibliography; 476 pages.

Brief mention is made of the Regiment in the overall context of the conflict.


HOLDEN, Ernie R – Mates, Mortars and Minefields: with 2RAR in Korea 1953

Australian Military History Publications, Loftus NSW, 2006

ISBN 1876439629

Index; 264 pages.

Story of the author’s life including service in Korea in 1953 with 2RAR. Includes casualty figures and a name index.


LEWIS, Stephen (Compiler) – Korea: The Undeclared War

The RAR Association SA Branch, Adelaide, 2008

ISBN: 9780646490137

Glossary, bibliography;172 pages.

A photograph homage that covers the war from the individual’s perspective.


MATTHEWS, Bruce – Wild Knights in No Man’s Land: The Korean War recalled by an Australian Infantry Officer

IPL/Transpress, New Zealand, 2003

ISBN: 0-97515320-0-X

No index, colloquial references; 247 pages.

An ex-NZ infantry officer, who volunteered for served with 3RAR as a platoon

commander in 1953, provides an interesting perspective of his experiences.


O’DOWD, Ben – In Valiant Company: Diggers in battle – Korea, 1950-51

University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 2000

ISBN: 0702231460

Index, biographical references; 212 pages.

O’Dowd, commander of A Company, 3RAR recounts the first 8 months of the Korean War, culminating in the Battle of Kapyong.


PEARS, Maurie – Land Battles Korea – The Royal Australian Regiment in Korea 1951-53

Stratagem Pty Ltd, 2015

ISBN: 978-9586589-0-4


A compilation of battle summaries by other writers, with an overview and general timelines of the war. Released in favour of 3 RAR’s 70th birthday in 2015.


PEARS, Maurie & KIRKLAND, Fred (Compilers) – Korea Remembered:

The RAN, ARA and RAAF in the Korean War of 1950-53

Department of Defence Australia, Canberra, 1998

ISBN: 0958658919

Hard cover, 394 pages. Reprinted 2002 in soft cover.

Personal stories of those involved in the conflict, including RAR prisoners of war.


SHARP, Derek G – My Year in the Forgotten War: Under the UN Flag

Self-published, Morisset NSW, 2012

ISBN: 978-0-9807671-9-3

Index; 164 pages.

Author served as 2IC of 1 RAR in Korea. This book was written in 1952-4 when his memory was strong, but not published until 2012. More a conventional story than a detailed history, the book’s interest and personal touch is enhanced further by its many photographs.


THIELE, Ron – Korea – The Forgotten War, 1950-1953

Parker Pattinson Publishing, Douglas Park NSW, 2003

ISBN: 0646418238

No index; 130 pages.

A brief history of Australian infantry operations in the Korean

War, including the author’s personal experience with 3RAR during 1951-52.


THOMPSON, Peter & MACKLIN, Robert – Keep Off the Skyline

John Wiley & Sons Australia, Milton QLD, 2004

ISBN: 1740310837

Index, bibliographical references; 224 pages.

Focuses on the experiences of Ron Cashman MM who had just turned

19 when he left to fight with 3RAR in the Korean War.


WOOD, Ian A – On Patrol with the BCOF in Japan

Ian A Wood, Mudgeeraba QLD, no date

ISBN: 0646179721

Photos, 158 pages.

Story developed from a diary kept by the author who was a member of the 65th Bn and then served for two years in Japan with the RAR.


SOUTH EAST ASIA 1950-current

(includes Malaya, Borneo, Singapore & Malaysia)


BANNISTER, Colin – An Inch of Bravery: 3 RAR in the Malayan Emergency 1957-59

Directorate of Army Public Affairs, Canberra, 1994

ISBN: 0 642 21207 4

Index, Bibliography; 170 pages.

An account of 3 RAR’s tour in Malaya fighting the Communist terrorists. Seven Appendices including a Roll of Honour, Honours and Awards, Nominal Roll.


BARBER, Noel – The War of the Running Dogs

Collins, London, 1971

ISBN: 0002119323

Maps, bibliography; 284 pages.

A British-focused story of the Malayan Emergency 1948-60; regarded by many as a classic.


CARROLL, Max – Tracking as a team

Unpublished, date unknown


Six A4-page monograph.

This is a short autobiography, sponsored by Colin Adamson, featuring 3 RAR anti-terrorist operations on Malaya, with an emphasis on tracking. All RAR Battalions to deploy during the Malayan Emergency used a visual tracking capability, usually based on the Anti-Tank platoon, supported by some company trackers, and sometimes using indigenous Iban trackers. Copy soon available in the RARA electronic library.


GIBBONS, Marco ‘Kiwi’– Manhunt Specialists: 3RAR Tracker Team Malaya 1957-79

Self-published, Brisbane, updated


49 page compilation of images, maps and information on the 3 RAR Tracker Team in Malaya. Copy available from author, and in RAR Association library.



VIETNAM 1962-75



5 RAR Association – 5 RAR Formation and Preparation for War

An Adjutant’s description of the formation of 5 RAR and its preparation for the Vietnam War. By Captain Peter Isaacs, Adjutant 1st Tour. See


5 RAR Association – To Nui Dat with the 173rd Airborne Brigade

The story of two officers of 5RAR sent to the American 173rd Airborne Brigade for a familiarisation patrol before 5RARs first operation in Phuoc Tuy Province. Captain Peter Isaacs, Adjutant 1st Tour. See


5 RAR Association – The Long Hai Hills Incident

B Company, 5 RAR 1967′ while riding in APCs hit a massive mine and booby traps, killing nine and wounding 17. This account was given by the RMO, Captain Doc White. See


5 RAR Association –The Village of Dat Do Mine Clearing Teams searching for mines in Dat Do

An account by Brian London of 5 RAR encountering anti-personnel mines and successful ambushing in a village known to be harbouring a number of VC. See


5 RAR Association – The Band of the 5th Battalion

5 RAR was the last battalion to take their band on active service. This story presents the important role the band played in the field. By LTCOL John Warr, CO. See


5 RAR Association – History of the 5th Battalion Colours

A short history of the battalion’s colours by Brian London OAM, DCM. See


5 RAR Association – Origin of 5th Battalion Colours

An explanation of the Colours and the history of 5 RAR’s Regimental Clours. By Brian London. See


5 RAR Association – The Day the Sun Went Out

The day 5 RAR members travelling in a US Transport Convoy hit a mine near Long Binh. By Bill Grassick 2IC A Coy 2nd Tour. See


5 RAR Association – Training in Australia

The Battle Efficiency Course, Jungle Training Centre, Canungra. By Roger Lambert, Platoon Commander 9 Pl C Coy. See


5 RAR Association – Forward Air Control (FAC) Mission

Roger Lambert of 5 RAR describes his impressions on ‘riding shotgun’ on a FAC spotting for an airstrike 1969. See


5 RAR Association – Magpie 31

Roger Lambert’s follow up to “Blondes, Bombs and Bunkers”. See


5 RAR Association – Magpie 31 Part Two

Roger Lambert’s follow up to “Blondes, Bombs and Bunkers” and “Magpie 31”. See


5 RAR Association – 5RAR Advance Party 2nd Tour

Roger Lambert’s memories of being part of the 5 RAR Advance Party to Vietnam in 1969. See


5 RAR Association – Blondes Bombs and Bunkers

Roger Lambert’s recollection of a 5 RAR patrol in 1969 that included experiences with ‘Blondes, Bombs and Bunkers’. See


5 RAR Association – A Vietnamese Christmas

Michael von Berg MC tells of Recce Platoon’s Christmas at Binh Ba village 1966. See


5 RAR Association – The VC in a Kilt

Not many people may know that the official records show that in 1969, C Company killed a Viet Cong wearing a kilt—That’s official! By Claude Ducker OC C Coy. See


5 RAR Association – Anatomy of a Bunker Contact

David Wilkins, 5 RAR’s Adjutant & OC C Company 2nd Tour. See


5 RAR Association –The Enemy and His Tactics

David Wilkins 5 RAR Adjutant & OC C Company 2nd Tour. See


5 RAR Association – Last Battle of 5 RAR

An account of the last battle of 5 RAR on the 1969-70 Tour. By David Wilkins. See


5 RAR Association – Final Days of the Second Tour

An account of the final days of 5 RAR’s 1969-70 Tour. By David Wilkins. See


5 RAR Association – Enemy Bunker Systems

An outline of the methods used by the VC and NVA in sighting their bunker systems. By David Wilkins. See


5 RAR Association – Closing The Mushroom Club

A story about The Duty Officer of Charlie Company 5 RAR during the Vietnam war attempting to close the company’s boozer. By Roger Lambert. See


5 RAR Association – Land Clearing Operations

5 RAR was involved with American Land Clearing Teams to deny the VC jungle cover. By Mike Battle. See


5 RAR Association – The Reflections of a Battalion Medical Officer

Hugh Roberton was the Battalion’s RMO for most of 5 RAR’s 2nd tour. He gives an overview of his role. See


BARRY, Richard ‘Dick’ – The 10th, Reflections of National Service and life in the Australian Army, 1967-69

Richard Barry (self published), 2011

ISBN: 978-0-646-5567 4-1

416 pages.

Contains many stories and memories of those National Servicemen of the 10th Intake, of their training in Australia and their war service in Vietnam.


BIGWOOD, Richard “Barney” and BIGWOOD, Andrew – We Were Reos, Australian Infantry Reinforcements in Vietnam

Richard & Andrew Bigwood (self published), 2011

ISBN: 978 1 4628 7664 8 HC

Bibliography, 227 pages.

Describes the life of a ‘reo’ as one even more transient than that of the average soldier. As a ‘reo’, or reinforcement soldier, he is sent from one Battalion to another depending on which platoon has seen its soldiers discharged, wounded or killed.


BROWN, Wayne ‘Sam’,   Medic: Memoirs of an Australian Infantry Medic in Viet Nam 1968-69

 Self-published, Palmwoods QLD, 2002

ISBN: 095819310X

Glossary; index; 326 pages.

The author served as a medic with 4 RAR/NZ on their first tour.


BUICK, Bob with McKAY, Gary – All Guts and No Glory: The Story of a Long Tan Warrior

Allen & Unwin Australia, 2000

ISBN: 1865082740

Index,bibliography; 272 pages.

A first hand account by Bob Buick, assisted by Gary McKay of the Battle of Long Tan. Appendices provide rolls, honours and awards.


BURKE, Di and SMALL, Mary – Seek, An illustrated and pictorial tribute to Australian Tracker Dogs in the Vietnam War

ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee Aspley Qld Inc, Brisbane, 2009

ISBN: 9780980448009

Photographs and illustrations, 48 pages.

A tribute and dedicated to the eleven faithful war dogs that served Australia as members of combat tracking teams during the Vietnam War. They did not return home, but are not forgotten.


BURSTALL, Terry – The Soldiers’ Story: The Battle at Xa Long Tan Vietnam, 18 August 1966

University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1986

ISBN: 070223009X

Index; 188 pages.

A detailed account of this major battle, written by one of the participants. His story reconstructs the action using ex-secret documents as well as recollections of many of the other diggers.


BURSTALL, Terry – A Soldier Returns: A Long Tan veteran discovers the other side of Vietnam

University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1990

ISBN: 0702222526

Index, bibliographic references; 215 pages.

The author compares official war records with first-hand accounts from retired Vietnamese officers, villagers and a former PW.


CAMERON, Martin – Australia’s Longest War

AC Tod Printing Pty Ltd, Melbourne,1987

ISBN: 073160962X

168 pages.

The author was a forward scout and section commander with 7 RAR on the Battalion’s second tour of duty in Vietnam.


CAULFIELD, Michael – The Vietnam Years: From the Jungle to the Australian Suburbs

Hachette Australia, Sydney, 2007

ISBN: 9780733624131

Index, bibliography; 503 pages.

The story of both sides of the war, from the vicious fighting of jungle patrols and the bravery shown by so many Australians at the famous Battle of Long Tan, to families back home, ripped apart by confusion and anger. It is also the story of the long hard road Australia took from innocence to bitterness and from despair to redemption, and how we have learned to accept that some wounds never heal. Well illustrated.


CAVANOUGH Ian – Fun, Fear, Frivolity: A Tale of the Vietnam War by an Aussie Grunt

Self-published, Yeppoon QLD, 2017


Multiple colour photographs, numerous individuals identified; 271 pages.

This is a 2 RAR veteran’s story for his time from enlistment through to the end of his tour of duty in Vietnam. Available in e-book format, or the most recent version in pdf direct from the author at  [email protected] . A donation is invited, without obligation, to assist with a veteran’s support entity.


CHAD, Garry – Kangaroo Creek: The Complete Story

Zeus Publications, Burleigh QLD, 2013

ISBN: 978-1-921919-59-6

ISBN: 9781921919633

Index; 213 pages.

Author served on three tours of duty in Vietnam – 1,6 and 4 RAR. He tells the story of these deployments and also that of Wang Chi Hoe, a soldier from the other side, weaving their stories of beginnings in rural environments up to their colliding as mutual enemies in South Vietnam. More than one edition.


COE, John J (Editor) – Desperate Praise: The Australians in Vietnam

Artlook Books, Perth WA, 1982

ISBN: 0864450222

137 Pages.

Personal observations written by the diggers who served there, and tell their story of what conditions were really like. Several of the stories are by RAR personnel.


COLEBATCH, Hal GP – Australia’s Secret War: How Unionists Sabotaged Our Troops in WW II

Quadrant Books, 2013


Index, 340 pages.

Tells the shocking, true, but until now largely suppressed and hidden story of the war waged from 1939 to 1945 by a number of key Australian trade unions against their own society and against the men and women of their own country’s fighting forces at the time of its gravest peril. Has disturbing parallels to union behaviour regarding mail and stevedoring during the Vietnam War, and which had adverse impacts upon morale among many RAR troops, among all others.


CROWLEY, Barrie – View from a Low Bough

Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1997

ISBN: 1864483016

285 pages.

A story of poignancy, horror and devastatingly funny happenings

amongst a group of Australian infantry soldiers in Vietnam.


EASTERBY, Tony – Green Mules, Green Giants, Malaysia, Borneo, Vietnam

No publication details, 2002


Card cover, unpaginated, 1-2 cm thick, black and white photos, table of contents.

The author tells of his experiences, initially with 4RAR in Malaysia and Borneo and then with 4RAR in Vietnam during its first tour.


EDWARDS, Glen D – Vietnam the War Within

Glen D Edwards, Salisbury SA, 1992

ISBN: 0646105914

272 pages.

This book is a significant milestone in the understanding of the psychological effects of war experienced by the men and women who served in Vietnam. Twenty Vietnam veterans from Australia, America and New Zealand tell their stories with a frankness which some readers may find disturbing or hard to believe. The RAR is represented among them.


ELDER, Bruce – A Copper In Jungle Greens, Service with The NSW Police and The Australian Army

Australian Military History Publications, Loftus NSW, 2011

ISBN: 978 0 980777482

Index; 80 pages.

In 1966, Bruce Elder took temporary leave from his job as a police officer, to undertake his National Service in the Australian Army. The title of this book reveals the two sides of his life – the transition from one of the ‘boys in blue’; to being conscripted into the army with 5 RAR during the Vietnam war era and wearing ‘jungle greens’.


EVANS, Carla – Trauma Tears and Time

Carla Evans, Wangaratta, Vic 1993

ISBN: 0646134523

55 pages.

Contains short stories from several Vietnam veterans regarding their active service.


GIBLETT, Noel (compiler/editor) – (VVCS) Homecoming

Stories from Australian Vietnam veterans and their wives

Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990

ISBN: 064410709X

73 pages.

Frank, personal accounts which reveal the humiliation, social rejection and personal stress of the time.


HALLIDAY, Claire – Unsung Heroes: The Stories of 20 Worthy Australians

Lothian Books, South Melbourne, 2002

ISBN: 0734404085

192 pages.

One of the 20 stories is about an RAR soldier who returns to the Task Force area after the war to help repair the war damage suffered by the local Vietnamese and by himself.


HARAN, Peter – Trackers: The Untold Story of the Australian Dogs of War.

New Holland Publishers, Sydney, 2000

ISBN: 1864366052

212 pages.

Provides a snapshot of how life was for the infantry soldier in the Vietnam War and also shows how the tracker dogs and tracking teams served in Vietnam with their specialist skills.


HARAN, Peter & KEARNEY, Robert – Crossfire: An Australian Reconnaissance Unit in Vietnam

New Holland Publishers (Australia), French’s Forest NSW, 2001

ISBN: 1864367210 (pbk)

237 pages.

Story of 5RAR’s Reconnaissance Platoon on operations in Vietnam 1966-67. Also covers some post-Vietnam memories and the aftermath effects on some of the individuals.


HARAN, Peter & KEARNEY, Robert – Flashback: Echoes from a Hard War

New Holland Publishers (Australia), French’s Forest NSW, 2003

ISBN: 1741100003

237 pages.

Collection of the reminiscences of seven Australian Infantry Vietnam veterans.


HAREN, Peter – Shockwave: an Australian combat helicopter crew in Vietnam

New Holland Publishers (Australia), French’s Forest NSW, 2004

ISBN: 1741100453

212 pages.

Helicopter gunship operation in support of ground troops, Vietnam period 1961-1975. References to RAR battalions.


HEARD, Barry – Well Done Those Men: Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran

Scribe Publications, 2005

ISBN: 9781921215360

303 pages.

The memoirs of a National Service infantryman who served in Vietnam with 7RAR 1967-68. Includes post-Vietnam service life including the aftermath of his tour of duty. Another edition published by Penguin Books.


HENNESSY, Brian – The Sharp End: The Trauma of a War in Vietnam

Allen & Unwin, Australia, 1997

ISBN: 186448506X

160 pages.

A soldier’s depiction of his Vietnam experience as a Regular Army infantryman in the RAR. It is a personal narrative without reference to the identification of his platoon, company and battalion.


JONES, John Geoffrey (Geoff) Major – An Experience of War

in Paulatim the RAAMC Head of Corps, Canberra, 2005

11 pages.

An illustrated article in the RAAMC Corps magazine. The experiences of a young medic attached to RAR Battalions during peace and the Vietnam War are related, highlighting many lessons for medics and Infantrymen alike.


KRASNOFF Stan – Where To For Valour: the Keith Payne Story

Shala Press, 1995

ISBN: 0646251023

242 pages,

The Keith Payne VC story is told, with occasional references to the RAR, including Payne’s service in the RAR and in the AATTV.


KRASNOFF, Stan – Krazy Hor

Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2004

ISBN: 1741140064

216 pages.

Story of a soldier’s experiences culminating as Commanding Officer of 3RAR.


LAMENSDORF, Jean Debelle – Write Home for Me: A Red Cross Woman in Vietnam

Random House Australia, Milson’s Point NSW, 2006

ISBN: 9781740513937

302 pages.

The story of a Red Cross girl in Vietnam at the time of the Battle of Long Tan. She relates the contact she had with members of 6RAR, and D Coy in particular.


LEE, Sandra Finger – Vietnam on Canvas – Ken McFadyen: An Artist at War

Barrallier Books, Barrallier, VIC, 2013

ISBN 9780980663303(hbk)

Index, notes; 144 pages.

Ken McFadyen served with the Australian forces in Vietnam from July 1967 until May 1968, attached to 2RAR. Appendix lists the post-WWII artists.


LOCKHART, Greg – The Minefield: An Australian Tragedy in Vietnam

Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2007

ISBN: 978 1741141061

Index, bibliography; 306 pages.

The author explains the origins and consequences of Brigadier Stuart Graham’s decision to lay an 11 kilometre-long minefield in Vietnam in 1967, a minefield that failed to achieve its intent as a barrier, and enabled the enemy to lift M16 anti-personnel mines that were then used against the Australians to deadly effect.


LUNN, Hugh – Vietnam: A Reporter’s War

University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1986

ISBN: 0702220183

Photos; 259 pages.

Arriving at the height of the war in 1967, the young Australian correspondent witnessed some of the most bloody and dramatic events culminating in the 1968 Tet offensive, when the Viet Cong invaded Saigon as part of a country-wide offensive. The author mentions the service and death of an RAR officer serving with AATTV at the time, and provides a visually revealing insight into the war fought by the RAR battalions and others..


MACKAY, Ian – Australians in Vietnam

Rigby, Adelaide, 1968

BIB ID: 1683595

ISBN – none

Maps on linings. Illustrated; 201 pages.

This story is of the early days of Australia’s commitment to South Vietnam, and covers aspects of AATTV operations as well as the first 1RAR and 5RAR tours of duty.


MACKAY, Ian – Phantoms of Bribie: The Jungles of Vietnam to Corporate Life and Everything in Between

Big Sky Publishing, Sydney, 2017

ISBN-13: 9781925275575

Index, images; 32 pages

This is the author’s story of operational service in Vietnam. Mackay served with the SAS and in Malaya, experience serving him well later in Vietnam where he was Officer Commanding Bravo Company 6 RAR. During Operation Bribie he led his outnumbered company in a desperate bayonet charge, followed by close quarter fighting, against a well dug in and determined enemy. This action illustrated the courage, the battle discipline and spirit of the well trained Australian combat infantryman. The book also covers a wider part of the author’s life.


MADDOCK, Kenneth (Editor) – Memories of Vietnam

Random House Australia, Milson’s Point NSW, 1991

ISBN: 0091825911

Bibliography; 283 pages.

A series of short stories where some Australians who knew the war from close-up to close quarter contact look back over the years and recall their experiences in their own words. RAR members are among the contributors.


MADDOCK, Kenneth: WRIGHT, Barry (Editor) – War Australia & Vietnam

Harper & Row (Australasia), Melbourne, 1987

ISBN: 0 06 312099 2

Index; 314 pages.

Barry Wright, an anthropologist and Vietnam veteran, and Kenneth Maddock, an anthropologist, have brought together a remarkable record of human conflict which breaks new ground. The theme of the impact of a war has probably never before been tackled from such a diverse range of points of view and backgrounds.


McAULAY, Lex – The Battle of Long Tan

Century Hutchinson Australia, 1986

ISBN: 0099525305

Index, maps on linings,187 pages

This book tells the story of the Battle of Long Tan and the men who fought it.

A moving story of great courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Several editions including a 1987 paperback published by Arrow Books


McAULAY, Lex – Blue Lanyard, Red Banner

Banner Books, Maryborough QLD, 2005

ISBN: 1875593284

Index, bibliography; 245 pages.

The account of the capture of a Viet Cong Headquarters by 1st Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment during Operation Crimp, 8-14 January 1966.


 McKAY, Gary – Bullets, Beans & Bandages, Australians at War in Vietnam

Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, 1999

ISBN: 1 86508 074 8

Index, glossary; 300 pages.

Gary McKay conducted extensive interviews with over a hundred veterans and their families in order to build up a picture of their war.


McKAY, Gary – Delta Four: Australian Riflemen in Vietnam

Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, 1996

ISBN; 1864481668

Index; 313 pages.

Delta Four exposes the inner workings of a rifle company – how its soldiers trained for war, and how they operated and fought in the war zone. A revealing perspective of day to day operations at sub-unit level.


McKAY, Gary – Vietnam Fragments: An Oral History of Australians at War

Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, 1992

ISBN: 1863732977

Index, bibliographical references; 307 pages.

A rare collection of impressions, reactions, feelings and fears of the typical front line soldier – the often spell-binding personal experiences of Australians on active service in Vietnam.


McKAY, Gary – In Good Company: One Man’s War in Vietnam

Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, 1987

ISBN: 0043550282

Index; 197 pages.

The autobiography of a national serviceman who was commissioned and led his platoon against the enemy including the NVA.


McKAY, Gary – Going Back: Australian Veterans Return to Vietnam

Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW, 2007

ISBN 9781741146349

Index, bibliography; 222 pages.

The author returns to Vietnam with a group of other RAR and other veterans to record their reactions when confronted by the past and their former enemies.


MOREMAN, Dr John (Editor – Vietnam – Our War, Our Peace

Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Canberra, 2006

ISBN: 1920720707

139 pages.

Selection of personal stories of 44 Vietnam veterans and their activities

in the community post Vietnam. 15 of the veterans were members of

the RAR.


MURPHY, Paul J – The Quiet Australians, Saint & Sinners, The effects of war and a life thereafter

Book Pal, Sunnybank Hills QLD, date TBA

ISBN: 9781742840857

Contents, 540 pages

This book is the autobiography of a young man who volunteered for National
Service and went to serve in Vietnam. Over the years and to the present day he has repeatedly returned to that country to live with and help those there disadvantaged by the war.


NEWMAN, Barry M (Editor) – Vietnam Remembered: Notes by South Australian CMF Observers

John Davis 4 Hour Printing Services, Norwood SA, 2001

ISBN: 0646415530

Index, 328 pages.

The accounts of the individual experiences of 59 CMF officers who visited the and observed the operations of Australians fighting the Vietnam War. Twenty were infantry officers attached to the RAR battalions in the period 1967 to 1971.


PARRY, Bill – Still Walking Through Life

Winston Oliver Parry, Mango Hill QLD, 2009

ISBN: 9780957951341 (pbk)

265 pages.

The author’s follow up edition to “Walking Through Life”, stories recounting the author’s war experience and after effects. Another valuable personal impression of the Vietnam War.


PARRY, Bill – Just a Nasho

W.O. Parry/Immaculate Heart Printhall Baguio City Philippines, 2003

ISBN: 0957951310

230 pages

“In Vietnam they all wore the green suit it did not matter whether they were regulars or nashos did not matter they were here to fight the enemy” sums up the theme for this book.


PEMBERTON, Gregory (Editor) – Vietnam Remembered

Weldon Publishing, Willoughby NSW, 1990 (1st Edition), reprint in 1991 

Lansdowne Publishing Pty Ltd, 1993 and 1996

New Holland Publishers, 2009 and 2017 (updated editions)

ISBN: 0863020721  (1990 and 1991)

ISBN: 9781742579450 (2017)

Index, bibliographical references; 292 pages (early editions).

A wide ranging view of the Vietnam War from an Australian perspective. Includes a Roll of Honour and Nominal Roll by units of all Australians who served in Vietnam. Two chapters on operations have direct relevance for the RAR. Later editions contain updated and expanded materials.


PETERSON, Barry with CRIBBIN, John – Tiger Men: An Australian Soldier’s Secret War in Vietnam

Macmillan, South Melbourne,1988

ISBN: 0333478193

Index; 245 pages.

Although most of the book describes the author’s time in the AATTV among the Rhade Montagnard of Vietnam, he completed a second tour of duty with 2RAR. At least two subsequent editions published from SE Asia and by others, some with slightly different names.


RAVENSCROFT Bruce – Contact-Wait Out: A Vietnam Diary

Australian Military History Publications, Loftus NSW, 1997

ISBN: 0646315382

197 pages.

The daily diary of a soldier’s service in South Vietnam with 7RAR.


REES, Peter – The Boy from Boree Creek, the Tim Fischer Story

Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW, 2001

ISBN: 1865085340

Index, bibliography; 354 pages.

This is the story of Tim Fisher’s life which includes his time as a National Serviceman and as a platoon commander with 1RAR in South Vietnam.


ROSE, Peter – Soldier’s Conscience: The Ethical Complexity of

Vietnam Service

Barton Books, Canberra, 2008. 

ISBN: 9780980490107 (pbk)

Index and maps; 115 pages.

Addresses the ethical issues faced by Australian soldiers in Vietnam resulting from the severe cultural dislocation of deployment into a war zone.


ROWE, Maree (Compiler) – Vietnam Veterans: Sons of the Hunter

Australian Military History Publications, Loftus NSW, 2002

ISBN: 1876439394

Index; 308 pages.

Personal stories of 104 Vietnam veterans, of which at least 43 were members of the RAR.


RINTOUL, Stuart – Ashes of Vietnam: Australian Voices

William Heinemann, Richmond VIC, 1987

ISBN: 085561059X

246 pages.

Australia’s forgotten soldiers tell their story. Over 100 revealing, sometimes horrifying interviews present this intensely moving testimony. Includes RAR contributors.


SCOTT, Col F. Peter DSO (Commanding Officer 3RAR 1969-1972)– Command in Vietnam: Reflections of a Commanding Officer

Slouch Hat Publications, McCrae VIC, 2007

ISBN: 9780975835333

Index, bibliography; 160 pages.

Mainly focuses on the issues and problems of commanding an Australian

Infantry Battalion (3RAR) during the war in South Vietnam in 1971. Nominal and Honour Rolls included.


SISSON, Colin P – Wounded Warriors, The true story of a soldier in the Vietnam War and the emotional wounds inflicted

Total Press Ltd, New Zealand, 1993

ISBN: 0473018071

Coloured pictures, index; 182 pages.

The author served with V Coy 2RAR (ANZAC) from late 67 to mid 68. It details his service in Vietnam and his subsequent PTSD healing process. V2 Company Nominal Roll included.


STONE, Gerald L – War without Honour

Jacaranda Press, 1966

BIB ID: 758981


Maps on linings; I54 pages.

A journalist’s perspective on the Vietnam War in 1965. Two chapters provide interesting perspectives about 1RAR at Bien Hoa.


STREVENS, Steve – The Jungle Dark

Pan McMacmillan Australia, Sydney, 2015


Index; 296 pages.

The true story of the characters and events surrounding the 6 RAR mine incident that gave rise to the famous song “I was only Nineteen” by John Schumann, a tune regarded by many as the epitome of the war for men on the ground in South Vietnam.


SUTHERLAND, Stan – In This Man’s Army: A Vietnam War Memoir

Stan Sutherland, Yackandandah VIC, 2007

ISBN: 9780646471815 (pbk)

356 pages.

This book gives an insight into the normal tasks and experiences of the Australian Infantry soldiers’ day-to-day life during an active tour of duty in

South Vietnam in the mid sixties through to the early 1970s in B Coy 3 RAR, B Coy 9 RAR and D & E Platoon, HQ Company 1 ATF.


TATE, Don – The War Within

Murdoch Books, Sydney, 2008

ISBN: 9781741962093

461 pages.

The author’s evocative and often confronting memoir about his journey from a young country boy to manhood, including his service experience in the Vietnam War with 4 RAR, 2nd D&E platoon, and 9 RAR with whom he served when WIA.


TATE, Donald – Anzacs Betrayed

Finite Publishing, Caloundra QLD; xxxx

ISBN: 978-0-9875860-0-1

307 pages.

A narrative dealing with the contentious matter of 40 members of the 4th Battalion (4 RAR) who were placed into an ad hoc D&E Platoon in May 1969 tasked with interdicting a very large enemy force in the Thua Tich region of Xuyen Moc Province, South Vietnam-  a platoon which was then deleted from all records of the Vietnam War until May 2008.


TATE, Donald – The Service History and other Contentions of Private Don Tate (Vietnam War- Army) 

Self published, xxxx, xxxx

ISBN: 978-0-9875860-3-2

411 pages.

The full service record of the author in the Vietnam War across three units, including all pertinent documents, first-hand accounts, media reports, photographs etc., as well as details of other contentions involving him.


TATE, Donald – ‘Contact Front’: Accounts of the Ambush of July 19 1969 involving 7 platoon C Company the 9th RAR

Self published; xxxx, xxxx

ISBN: 978-0-9875860-5-6

39 pages.

This is a record of an action that took place in Vietnam on July 19th 1969 involving C Company of the 9th Battalion (9 RAR). It includes documents, photographs, first-hand accounts, and media reports and corrects the record which was incorrectly recorded in a history of the 9th Battalion published in 1974.


TATE, Donald – The 2nd D&E Platoon in Vietnam: Anatomy of a Military Cover-up

Self-published; xxxx, xxxx

ISBN: 978-0-9875860-4-9

99 pages.

The 2nd D&E Platoon was made up of regular soldiers from the 4th Battalion (4 RAR) who formed the ‘2nd D&E Platoon’ in May 1969 when the battalion had returned to Australia. The platoon was involved in a number of actions against the Viet Cong- including the significant ambush at Thua Tich on May 29 1969. It was subsequently deleted from all records of the war until formally recognised by the federal government in May 2008.


TAYLOR, Adrian – From Nui Dat to Discharge: Honouring their Service: 4 Platoon B Company 7 RAR Vietnam 1970 -1971

Digital Print Australia, Adelaide, 2017

ISBN: 9780987511102

Profusely illustrated; 415 pages.

An extensively illustrated story of the platoon with biographies of all its soldiers. Contains much platoon level detail including contact reports, documents and many images of documents that the typical platoon soldier saw or dealt with during their tour of duty. Most RAR troops to serve in Vietnam, and elsewhere deployed. will relate well to this book.


TICHENER, Percy – Every man and his dog

Pakera Publishing, Melbourne, 2011

ISBN: 9780646534763

Soft cover, photographs; 244 pages.

Second edition. Author served with 6 RAR/NZ (NAZAC) as a tracker. Following evacuation through illness he returned to a rifle company, was seriously wounded and returned to Australia. Content includes dog and human tracking and platoon level operations, including the training of surrendered enemy. Based on fact, fictional names are used in this irreverent story. It is fiction based upon fact to protect the identity of individuals. A good irreverent yarn, devoid of political correctness.


TOWERS, Mike – A Jungle Circus: Memories of Vietnam

Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1999

ISBN: 1864489170

Bibliography; 234 pages.

A national serviceman’s story of his 24 months in the army including a tour of duty in the RAR in South Vietnam. A humorous and compassionate portrait.


WALKER, Frank – Ghost Platoon: 2nd D & E Platoon Vietnam 1969

Hachette Australia, 2011

ISBN 13: 9780733626432 ISBN 10: 0733626432 (1st Edition)

Map, Illustrations, Bibliography, Index, 338 pages.

A second D & E Platoon was formed and operated from April to June 1969. It was engaged in a major contact in the east of the Province and then disbanded. It took three decades and much angst to have the achievements of the platoon recognized and accepted. The story includes the aftermath and the impact on the men of the Ghost Platoon. Later editions published in 2013 and 2015.


WALTERS, Ian – Dasher Wheatley & Australia in Vietnam

NT University, Darwin, 1998

ISBN: 1876248106

Index, bibliographical references; 179 pages.

Statistical type reference on The Victoria Cross in the coverage. Many references to the Royal Australian Regiment.


WHITTAKER, Bob – Jellybeans in the Jungle

EIEIO, Toowoomba, 2011

ISBN: 0646559591, 9780646559599

165 pages.

Story of a National serviceman’s tour of duty following conscription, recruit and Corps training, originally from a position of sympathy for the anti-war movement at the time. Whittaker tells the story of his military service and the post-war return visits to Vietnam. The book is dedicated to his platoon commander in South Vietnam, Doug Gibbons (5 Pl, 7 RAR).


WILLIAMS, Jean R – Cry in the Wilderness: Guinea Pigs of Vietnam

Homecoming Publications Australia, 1995

ISBN: 0949525243

References; 294 pages.

Examines the after effects on returned soldiers from South Vietnam of the herbicide program.



WINTER, Peter – The Year I Said Goodbye

Wakefield Press, Kent Town SA, 2003

ISBN: 186254610X

269 pages.

Peter Winter was a well-trained and proud career soldier when he went to South Vietnam in 1970 as a platoon commander. Whether he was recording an exhausting day on operations or enquiring after family and friends, Peter Winter’s letters are redolent with an obvious love and care for those at home and the men in his charge. The experience of war resulted in anger, upheaval and a general feeling of isolation. This is a compilation of the letters he wrote home.



(Somalia 1992-93, Rwanda 1994-95, Cambodia 1994-95, Papua New Guinea 1946 to 1975, East Timor 1999-2012, Bougainville 1994, The Solomon Islands 2000 -2008, all remaining deployments not covered by UN or above (Rhodesia, Uganda)


BREEN, Bob – A Little Bit of Hope: Australian Force Somalia

Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1998

ISBN: 186448702X

Index, bibliographical references; 499 pages.

Personal account of the experiences of the Australian men and women who served in Somalia January -May 1993. It also provides an analysis of Operation SOLACE: the decisions, factors and events that led to its success, and the frustrations and failures experienced. Also Includes Nominal Roll of the Australian Force.


 FARRELL, John Hunter – Peacemakers: INTERFET’s Liberation of East Timor

Fullbore Magazines Pty Ltd, Rocklea QLD, 2000

ISBN: 0 646 39424 X

Maps, Glossary, Multiple colour images, 96 pages.

A highly illustrated early publication of the operations in East Timor, covering the period stated in its third tier title: Day one in Dili to the border and the enclave. Several battalions mentioned, and many individuals identifiable.


FRY, Gavin – Rwanda, The Australian Contingent 1994-1995

National Capital Printing, Canberra, 1996

ISBN: 06/12234795

Index, 185 pages.

This pictorial history of Australia’s United Nations Contingent to Rwanda brings together the work of five photographers – David Lloyd, Angela Blakely, George Gittoes, Cpl Geoff Fox and Cpl Robyn White. Each had a different prospective and worked to an individual brief.


O’HALLORAN, Kevin – Pure Massacre: Aussie soldiers reflect on the Rwandan Genocide

Big Sky Publishing, Sydney, 2010

ISBN: 9780980325188(pbk)

Index, bibliography; 293 pages.

A record of what happened during this peacekeeping mission by one who was there; gives a new and personal voice to the Kibeho Massacre. Nominal Roll; well illustrated.


 STONE, Gary – Duntroon to Dili: Mayhem and Miracles Traumatic Stress and Trust in God

Barrallier Books Pty Ltd, West Geelong VIC, 2014

ISBN: 9780992530129

Index, illustrations, 348 pages.

Stone’s operational experiences started with UN duties in the Iran-Iraq War as an RAR member where he saw, and describes, its effects on a scale rarely seen by other Australians. Following his ARA career, he trained as a Deacon in the Catholic church and then served in both the Army and Federal Police as a chaplain. In this second phase of his career, he saw service in Timor-Leste, The Solomon Islands, Bougainville and the 2004Asian Tsunami alongside RAR veterans. This book is the story of that career and addresses religious beliefs and PTSD and other Service-related issues.



IRAQ 2003-09 and 2014–ongoing


BOX, Dax – Carry Me Home: The Life and Death of Private Jake Kovco

Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2008

IBSN: 9781741752748

290 pages.

The inside story of the man and the RAR soldier including the two year investigation into his death while on active service in Iraq.


FIELDING, Marcus – Red Zone Baghdad: My War in Iraq

Big Sky Publishing, Newport NSW, 2011

ISBN: 978-1-921941-17-1

No index, Timeline Appendix; 246 pages.

Author’s experiences in Iraq, embedded in the Coalition Headquarters during 2008-9 as a senior staff officer.


MOLAN, Jim Maj-Gen – Running the War in Iraq

Harper Collins, 2008

ISBN: 9780732287818

ISBN 10: 0732287812

Index; 384 pages.

The author’s experience as Chief of Staff to the US Commander, General George Casey, of the Multi National Force in Iraq. An insightful record of the operations of the Coalition forces in Iraq, and the role played by an Australian General seconded to the US forces.


AFGHANISTAN 2006-ongoing


LEDGARD, Terry – Bad Medicine: A no-holds-barred account of life as an Australian SAS medic during the war in Afghanistan

Penguin Random House, Melbourne, 2016

ISBN: 9780143797272 (pbk)

Index; bibliographical references; 249 pages.

While concentrating on the SAS story, this book also refers to RAR units deployed at the same time. The story is the author’s, written after he left the ADF and the book points out that his views do not reflect those if Defence or government policy.


SMITH, Fred – The Dust of Uruzgan

Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest NSW, 2016

ISBN: 978 1 76029 221 8

No index or references, 416 pages.

An on-the-ground account of Australia’s involvement by an Australian diplomat/musician of the struggle in Uruzgan, Afghanistan. Part memoire, part history, part eyewitness account, it outlines what the Australian forces generally faced in the impoverished province. It refers to some of the RAR units and supporting forces, recounting the setbacks and successes of a contingent of Australian soldiers, diplomats and aid workers struggling to make a difference.


THOMPSON, Jimmy & MACGREGOR – Tunnel Rats Vs The Taliban: how the Aussie sappers in Aghanistan took on the Taliban

Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW, 2016

ISBN: 9781760113544

Illustrations, maps, index; 269 pages.

This is the story of the sappers in Afghanistan whose raw courage and skills were inspired by the original Australian Tunnel Rats of the war in Vietnam. These Tunnel Rats of Afghanistan worked within the MTFs/MRTFs which were based on either Engineers or RAR-dominant units to help rooted out the enemy from their caves and mountain hideouts, defused thousands of improvised explosive, built bridges and schools to win a war of hearts and minds, and also fought side by side with special forces commandos and SAS troops. They, too, lost a disproportionate number of their comrades, many returning home with post-traumatic stress disorder.This is the powerful story of the sappers, the Army engineers in Afghanistan whose raw courage and skills were inspired by the original Australian Tunnel Rats of the war in Vietnam. These Tunnel Rats of Afghanistan have rooted out the enemy from deep inside their caves and mountain hideouts, have defused thousands of improvised explosive devices (the booby traps and landmines of this most recent of wars), built bridges and schools to win a war of hearts and minds, and fought side by side with special forces commandos and SAS troops. They, too, lost a disproportionate number of their comrades and many returned home with the devastating baggage of war, post-traumatic stress disorder.


THOMLINSON, Damien with COWLEY, Michael – Without Warning: A soldier’s extraordinary story

Harper Collins Publishers, Sydney, 2013

ISBN: 978 0 07322 9716 (pbk)

No index, photographs; 290 pp.

Experiences of a soldier who, after training with 4 RAR (Cdo)/2 Commando Regiment deployed to Afghanistan where he was severely wounded by an IED in 2009. Also available in e-book.


WARREN, Paul (with Jeff AFTER) – The Fighter

Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW, 2015

ISBN: 9781743439920

304 pages.

The harrowing story the author’s – previously a martial arts expert – tour of duty with 1 RAR in Afghanistan and how he survived an IED blast that killed his friend (PTE Bernado), to go on and recover and now work with Mates4Mates to assist fellow wounded veterans. Gives a valuable insight into what every soldier on patrol faced, particularly the RAR members, during the war in Afghanistan.



(Civilian Humanitarian Disaster ops (incl Darwin 1975 and other cyclones and floods, overseas eg PNG, Indian Ocean, and lately, Border Operations, and DACC (non-disaster) eg Olympics and Commonwealth Games and other government support eg APEC, G20)


DOUSSETT, Raymond A – Rotor in the Green – An Autobiography

Rotor in the Green, Townsville, 1996

ISBN: 0 646 26633 0

Bibliography, Appendixes; 341 pages.

Although an autobiography by an Army Aviator, the book covers a range of training and operational flying in both Australia and overseas including PNG, and covers humanitarian tasks. Several references are made to support flying in favour of several RAR battalions, and in so doing provides an “above the ground” perspective on some of the RAR’s training and DAAC tasks which benefit from Army Aviation support.



STRETTON, Alan – Soldier in a Storm

Collins, Sydney, 1978

ISBN: 0 00 216406 X

320 pages.

Alan Stretton’s autobiography includes details of his service as CO 2 RAR in Malaya 1961-1963. A personal account of the author’s experiences in leading the initial efforts to recover from the Cyclone Tracy disaster of 1974, the military response to which included 5/7 RAR and 6 RAR and other RAR individuals in many support and staff roles at the time.










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