This Part comprises Australian authors and publications which might generally be regarded as factual depictions of military history which features the RAR family. It includes those applicable Australian Official Histories as defined by the Australian Government/Australian War Memorial. For the complete list of the six series of Australian Official Histories, please click here.





ALLSOPP, Nigel – A Centenary of Australian Animals at War

InHouse Publishing, Underwood QLD, 2016

ISBN: 9781925388213 (pbk)

Illustrations, 282 pages.

The story of Australian animals deployed to war. Up to and including the Vietnam War, animals so deployed were not brought home, with the exception of MAJGEN Bridge’s horse. RAR soldiers have served with tracker dogs in most conflicts form the Malayan Emergency on, and more recently, these dogs are brought home and even awarded medals. Four-legged soldiers, some being members of the RAR who contribute to the fight with their RAR human handlers are included.


ALLSOPP, Nigel – Animals in Combat

New Holland Publishers, Chatswood NSW, 2014

ISBN: 9781742575131

Bibliography, photographs; 144 pages.

Some RAR battalions and their tracker dogs are mentioned in this book which provides a good coverage of the general purpose and deployment of animals in support of the modern Army.


ANDERSON, Nola – Australian war Memorial: Treasures from a century of collecting

AWM/Murdoch Books, Crows’ Nest, 2012


Index; 612 pages.

A handsome coverage of AWM’s holdings; Chapters 8-10 cover the RAR’s time of existence up to the date of publication. Includes are range of conflicts and deployments with images and descriptions of various battalions. The Acknowledgments section lists recent/current contact details of organisations/individuals known to be helpful with further research.


ANDREWS, Eric – The Department of Defence: The Australian Centenary of Defence Volume V

Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2001

ISBN: 0 19 554113 8

Notes, Bibliography; 348 pages.

This volume in The Australian Centenary History of Defence series of seven volumes traces the history of the Department from 1901 to 2000 including the ADF, and refers to many senior RAR members, but not units or their deployments. Useful high level background to RAR operations.


Anonymous – Australian War Diary: Australian Armed Forces in a changing world

Random House Australia, Sydney, 2010

ISBN: 9781864711202(hbk)

Index; multiple photographs; 174 pages.

A diary of stories of military significance in chronological order, for each of the three centuries spanned. These are paralleled by non-military stories to give social context . Mentions some RAR battalions in Korea, Malaya, Vietnam and has general references to other deployments.


Army Headquarters – The Australian Army in Profile 2004

Defence Publishing Service, Canberra, 2004

ISSN: 1441-5127

Multiple images and short articles; not page numbered.

One of a series of similar publications for each year. Has sections on Operations, The Working Army (exercises, DFACC tasks and specific unit snapshots, useful history and Year’s Best Photographs for period involving Iraq, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste. Features several RAR battalions.


BEAUMONT, Joan – Australian Defence: Sources and Statistics: The Australian Centenary of Defence Volume VI

Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2001

ISBN: 0 19 554118 9

Maps, Illustrations, Index; 683 pages.

This volume in The Australian Centenary History of Defence series of seven volumes provides detailed sources and statistics underpinning Defence to 2001, data not found in any similar single source. Refers to many senior RAR members, and all of the major deployments up to 2001 in which RAR battalions participated, but not actual units themselves or any detail surrounding their deployments. Useful background to RAR operations in both Australia and whilst deployed.


BRADLEY Joyce, FOGARTY Bill, HOBBS Kate, Macpherson Paul, PIGGOTT Michael, SELF Bronwyn and STAMLEY Peter (Compilers) – Roll Call! A guide to genealogical sources in the Australian War Memorial

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1986

ISBN: 0 642 99495 1

Index, Bibliography, 150 pages.

A superb, if little known, source of support to researchers. This book describes the AWM’s research centre, sources of written and printed records and collections covering all of the conflicts up to the date of publication. RAR is mentioned in many places. Also provides contact locations and addresses for other sources of research support with a focus on genealogical records.


COATES, John – An Atlas of Australia’s Wars: The Centenary History of Defence Vol 7

Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2001

ISBN: 0 19554 119 7

Index, bibliography, 424 pages

Part V – The Post World War II period covering the Korean War, Malayan Emergency and Confrontation and the Vietnam War.

Part VI – Post-Cold War period covering Iraq and Afghanistan with a brief coverage of Somalia, Rwanda and East Timor; all have relevance for the RAR.


CONNERY, David – The Battles Before: Case Studies of the Australian Army Leadership after the Vietnam War

Big Sky Publishing, Newport NSW, 2016

ISBN: 9781925520194 (pbk)

Index, Endnotes, Authors’ Biographies; 124 pages.

One of the Australian Military History Series (no 3) this book features several writers (two of them ex-RAR members) generating case studies of leadership. Many of these leaders are/were RAR members. Several RAR battalions are mentioned.


DENNIS Peter, GREY Jeffery, PRIOR, Robin, MORRIS Ewan with CONNOR John – The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History

Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1999

ISBN: 019 553 2279

Bibliographical references, photos and maps, 692 pages.

A comprehensive guide to Australian military experience containing over 800 individual entries written by leading military historians.


DENNIS, Peter and GREY Jeffery – The Second Fifty Years: The Australian Army 1947 – 1997

Australian Defence Academy, Canberra, 1997

ISBN: 073 170 3634 

Bibliographical references, 133 pages.

These proceedings of the Chief of Army’s History Conference provide a background to the history of the RAR.


EDWARDS, Peter – Crises and Commitments: The Politics and Diplomacy of Australia’s Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1948-1965

Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1992

ISBN: 1863731849

Bibliography, index, 515 pages.

This Official History covers the domestic and international politics of Australia’s involvement in Southeast Asia and the commitment of the RAR to those conflicts.


EKINS, Ashley & STEWART, Elizabeth – War Wounds: Medicine and the trauma of conflict

Exisle Publishing Ltd, Wollombi NSW, 2011

ISBN: 978-1-921497-87-2

Notes, Index, Maps and Illustrations; 240 pp.

A series of chapters including Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Mentions most RAR battalions through stories of veterans’ experiences of injury, battlefield treatment and subsequent recovery/healing pathways. Brings the history of warfare and military medicine together as experienced by both medical practitioners and the main users of that care, the RAR and other combatants.


FIRKINS, Peter – The Australians in Nine Wars: Waikato to Long Tan

McGraw-Hill Book Company (Published in Australia by Rigby Co Ltd), 1971

ISBN: 007 021 0659

Index, bibliography, 460 pages.

The bulk of the book covers Australia’s wars up to the end of WW II. Book IV covers the post war period up to Long Tan.


FRAME, Tom (Ed) – Moral Injury: Unseen wounds in an age of barbarism

UNSW Press, Sydney, 2015

ISBN: 9781742234656 (pkb)

Notes; 278 pp.

A collection of essays that cover personal, ethical, psychological, practical and religious perspectives on this issue. Involves references to RAR personnel including several in photographs. Also addresses these phenomena across armed conflict, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.


FRAME, Tom & PALAZZO, Albert (Editors) – On Ops – Lessons and Challenges for the Australian Army since East Timor

UNSW Press, Sydney, 2016

ISBN: 9781742235097 (pbk)

Notes/bibliographic references; 324 pages.

A wide ranging series of chapters that address issues from every deployment since East Timor, and Australia-based concerns facing the Army, including the RAR.


GREY, Jeffery – A Military History of Australia

Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 1999

ISBN: 052 136 6593

284 pages, Index, bibliography.

Studies in Australian History Series which include reference to the RAR.


GREY, Jeffery – The Australian Army: The Australian Centenary History of Defence Volume 1 (of 7)

Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2001

ISBN: 019 554 1146

Index and bibliographic notes.

Volume 1 of a seven volume series by a range of authors. Chapters 6-8 provide coverage of the RAR. It is a history of the Army as an institution; not a history of battles or deployments.


HALL, Robert A – Fighters from the Fringe: Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders recall the Second World War

Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra, 1995

ISBN: 0 85575 286 6 (pbk)

Index, bibliography, black and white photos; 218 pages

Contains information about indigenous soldiers i.e. Charlie Mene and Reg Saunders who went on to serve as RAR members.


HALL, Robert A – The Black Diggers: Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the Second World War

Allen and Unwin, North Sydney, 1989

ISBN: 9780045200054 (pbk)

Index, bibliography, notes, black and white photos; 228 pages.

Contains information about indigenous soldiers i.e. Charlie Mene and Reg Saunders who went on to serve as RAR members.


HORNER, David – Making the Australian Defence Force

Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2001

ISBN: 019 554 1179

Bibliography, index.

Covers the development of the Australian Defence Force and Joint Force operational capability in the post Vietnam era. Chapter 7 on Land Combat Forces has particular relevance for the RAR, referring to many of the battalions and SASR.


LINDSAY, Patrick – Cosgrove: Portrait of a Leader

Random House Australia Pty Ltd, Milsons Point, 2006

ISBN: 978 1 74166 528 4

Index, Bibliography; 289 pages.

Biography of General Sir Peter Cosgrove, who served in several RAR battalions prior to ascending command and staff appointments including Governor-General.


LONG, Gavin – The Final Campaigns: Australia In The War of 1939-1945

Australian War Memorial, Canberra,1963

ISBN: nil

Index, maps, diagrams and bibliography, 667 pages.

Briefly mentions the origins of the Regiment and a comparison of awards between the AIF and RAR.


MOORE, Darren – The Soldier: A history of courage, sacrifice and brotherhood

Icon Books, London, 2009

ISBN: 978-184831-079-7

Index, bibliography, 500 pages.

Study of soldiers and their professional conduct, core to the RAR and SASR, both of which are included among the individuals referred to in this source. This source is considered most important to the overall understanding of RAR soldiers, irrespective of which unit in which they serve as it underscores what combat soldiers face, and do, in battle.


O’BRIEN, Michael – Australian army tactical &​ instructional pamphlets &​ books : a bibliography

Australian Army, Hawthorn, 2004

ISBN: 0642296057 (pbk)

248 pages.

Contains a wealth of leads to many tactical, weapon and equipment topics fundamental to the understanding of RAR training and operations. This asset is essential to researchers pursuing more specific research topics, and is one of the most valuable aids to Australian military research.


ODGERS, George (Ed) – The Defence Force in the relief of Darwin after Cyclone Tracy

Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra, 1980

ISBN: 0 642 05175 5

A detailed account of actions during the first two weeks of the cyclone relief effort led by NAJGEN Alan Stretton (Retd), an RAR officer, and involving some RAR members posted to Darwin at the time. Curiously , Field Force Group Darwin, which saw the deployment of large numbers of troops starting mid- January 1975, including 5/7 RAR and then 6 RAR until late May 1975 gets only a cursory mention and the battalions are not mentioned at all.


O’KEEFE, Brendan – Medicine at War: Medical Aspects of Australia’s Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1950-1972

Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

ISBN: 1863733019

Index, bibliography, 505 pages.

This comprehensive and analytical Official History account documents the important role of the military medical units who supported Australia’s overseas forces from the time of the Malayan Emergency.


PALAZZO, Albert – The Australian Army: A History of its Organisation 1901-2001

Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2001

ISBN: 0195515064

Index, bibliography, 456 pages.

Chapters 6-9 provide coverage concerning the RAR.


PEARSON, Ross – Animal Allies

Australian Military History Publications, Loftus VIC, 2005


Index, bibliography, photographs; 185 pages.

Several of the RAR battalions’ mascots and tracker dogs are mentioned.


PRATTEN, Garth and Harper, Glyn – Still the Same: Reflections on Active Service from Bardia to Baidoa

Army Doctrine Centre HQ Training Command, Georges Heights NSW, 1996

ISBN: 0 642 24435 9

Index, Appendices; 280 pages.

A collection of interview outcomes involving Australian Army Command and Staff College students with retired and serving officers up to 1993. Offers insights into the art and science of war from a leadership perspective. Many RAR individuals and deployments included.


OPPENHEIMER, Melanie – Australian Women and War: Women in War from Boer War to East Timor

Department of Veterans Affairs, Canberra, 2008

ISBN: 9781877007286(HBK)

Index, bibliography, 270 pages.


REID, Dr Richard and POUNDS, Robert – Australians at War: Key Dates and Data since 1901

Also titled Their Service, our Heritage

Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Canberra, 1998

BIB ID: 310082

ISBN: nil

60 pages.

A chronology of main events affecting the military for 96 years since Federation. It includes key RAR events.


SMITH, Ian K – Records of War: A guide to military history sources at the Australian War Memorial

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1996

ISBN: 0642229880

The last third of this book deals with post-WW II conflicts, referring to the RAR.


STEVENSON, Robert C – The Human Dimension of the Hardened and Networked Army: The Lessons of Friendly Fire

Land Warfare Studies Centre, Canberra, 2006

ISBN: 978 0 64229 641 2

Bibliography; 47 pages.

Addresses fratricide/unauthorised discharges resulting in injury/death, including RAR experiences in Vietnam, Somalia and East Timor.


STONE, Barry – The Diggers’ Menagerie: Mates, Mascot and Marvels – True Stories of Animals who went to War

Harper Collins, Sydney, 2012


Index, bibliography; 266 pages.

Chapter 4-6 cover the post-WW II period and relate stories of the RAR battalions’ use of tracker dogs.


TYQUIN, Michael – Training for War: The History of the Headquarters 1st Division 1914-2014

Big Sky Publishing, Sydney, 2017

ISBN: 9781925520422

Extensively illustrated, Bibliography, Appendices, Index; 276 pages.

This book encapsulates one hundred years of the history of HQ 1st Division and the Deployable Joint Force Headquarters. During that time the HQ commanded subordinate formations and units including all of the RAR battalions through intermediate formations since 1960 when it was raised for the third time. As with any military formation it cannot be studied in isolation from politics and policy and so reference is made to wider events in the Australian political and Defence environment.


WAHLERT, Glenn – Anzac Cove to Afghanistan: The History of the 3rd Brigade

Big Sky Publishing, Sydney, 2015


Extensively illustrated, Bibliographical information in Endnotes, Index; 390 pages.

A hundred year history, this book covers the Brigade’s deployment to war where, as the covering force for the landings at Gallipoli, its troops were the first to see action in the Middle East before subsequent service on the Western Front. It also covers preparation for and involvement in WW II, the brigade’s re-creation as a formation in the form of 3rd Task Force and then its current role as the Operational Deployment Force. Associated deployments to East Timor, and then the provision of contingents and contributions to Force Elements by the various battalions of the 3rd Brigade over time are covered. Detailed Appendices include VC winners and Commanders.





BROWN, Colin H – Stalemate in Korea: The Royal Australian Regiment in the Static War of 1952-1953

Australian /Military History Publications, Loftus NSW, 1997

ISBN: 0-9586693-9-2

Index; 100 pages.

As a 3 RAR company commander, describes the 1952-53 phase of stationary/positional warfare and the closing stages of the war for Australian troops prior to the armistice. While he concentrates on 3 RAR, 1 and 2 RAR are also included.


CHINNERY, Philip – Korean Atrocity! Forgotten War Crimes 1950-1953

Airlife Publishing, 2000

ISBN: 1 84037 103 X

Index, Bibliography, 286 pages

Covers war atrocities and POW data including Australians, references to 27 British Commonwealth Brigade.


DENNIS, Peter & GREY, Jeffrey (Editors) – The Korean War 1950-53: Army History Conference Proceedings 2000

Australian Army History Unit, Canberra, 2000

ISBN: 0642705054

194 pages.

A retrospective look at the Korean War with background relevance and references to the RAR.


EVANS, Ben – Out in the Cold: Australia’s Involvement in the Korean War 1950-1953

Australian War Memorial & Dept of Veterans’ Affairs, Canberra, 2000

ISBN: 0642444765

Index, bibliography, 92 pages.

A brief history of Australia’s involvement in the Korean War that covers RAN operations, RAAF in combat, and battles such as Kapyong, Maryang San, the Hook and other aspects of fighting that involved RAR units.


FORBES, Cameron – The Korean War, Australia in a Giant’s Playground

Pan Macmillan Australia P/L, Sydney, 2010

ISBN: 9781 4050 40013 (hbk)

ISBN: 951 9042 394

Index, bibliography, maps, 534 pages.

The Korean War reveals the conflict on all its levels, human, military and geopolitical. The battles in which the RAR figured are described and those units named. It is a definitive history of Australia and the Korean War.


GREY, Jeffery – The Commonwealth Armies and the Korean War: An Alliance Study

Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1988

ISBN: 0719026113

Index, bibliography, 244 pages.

Coverage of the Commonwealth Division in the Korean War 1950-1953. RARs served in the 27th Commonwealth Infantry Brigade.


HARRIS, AM – Only one river to cross: An Australian soldier behind enemy lines

Australian Army History Unit/Australian Military History Productions, Loftus NSW, 2004

ISBN: 1-876-439-52-1

Index, maps, illustrations; 124 pages.

Provides and account of service with BCOF and then in Korea with 3 RAR where the author was wounded in Oct 50. Returning to Korea in 1953, he commanded a Special agent Detachment behind enemy lines.


HOOKER, John – Korea: The Forgotten War

Time Life Books, Sydney, 1989

ISBN: 0 949118 39 7

Index and bibliography,168 pages.

One of the Time-Life Australians at War series, covers the ground war and contains many quality illustrations.


KOREAN MINISTRY OF PATRIOTS AND VETERANS’ AFFAIRS – Korean War Memorials in Pictures – Remembering UN Participation 60 years later

Korean Ministry of Patriots and Veterans’ Affairs, Seoul, 2010


Three volume boxed set, Index in Volume 1,397 pages in Vol 1, 463 pages in Vol 2 and 319 pages in Vol 3.

Vol 1 includes details of Australian memorials worldwide. 3 RAR is addressed in a photo in Vol 3. Pictorial record. For the serious researcher; contains no actual history of the war other than listing, by memorial, all participating nations on the UN/allied side.


McCORMACK, Gaven – Cold War that War: An Australian perspective on the Korean War

Southwood Press, Marrickville NSW, 1983

ISBN: 0868060828 (casebound), 0868060836 pbk)

Index, chronology, maps, photographs; 191 pages.

This publication is an overview of the lead up to and the higher conduct of the war. The RAR is not specifically mentioned in the text although the Australian participation is. Many of the photos feature soldiers from the RAR.


MOSS, Tristan – Guarding the Periphery: The Australian Army in Papua New Guinea, 1951-75

Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, 2017

ISBN: 987-1-107-19596-7 (hbk)

Index, Bibliography, Notes, Maps; 266 pages.

The Australian Army commanded units in PNG, based on the Pacific Islands Regiment, over this time until those forces became the PNG Defence Force in its own right. This book is an important coverage of this element of Australia’s military and colonial past, with many RAR individuals serving in these units. 1 to 6 RAR are specifically mentioned, and an Appendix contains listed of key appointments. The book is one of the Australian Army History series.


NEUVE, Denny & SMITH, Craig – Aussie Soldiers: Prisoners of War

Big Sky Publishing, Sydney, 2009

ISBN: 9780980325157 (pbk)

Photographs, maps, Index; 308 pp.

Stories of Australian POW over time, including RAR members captured in Korea. Since then, no Australian service personnel have become POW.


ODGERS, George – Remembering Korea: Australians in the war of 1950-53

Lansdowne Publishing Pty Ltd, Sydney, 2000

ISBN: 9781741108071

Index, bibliography, maps,176 pages.

A background history of Australia’s participation in the Korean War 1950-53. Nominal roll of all participants by unit.


ODGERS, George – Remembering Korea: Australians in the war of 1950-53

New Holland Publishers, Chatswood, 2009

ISBN: 9781741108071

Index, bibliography, maps, 176 pages.

Updated second edition of 2000 book – background history of Australia’s participation in the Korean War 1950-53. Nominal roll of all participants by unit.


O’NEILL, Robert – Australia in the Korean War 1950-53 Volume I

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1981

ISBN: 06420432 9

Index, bibliography, 548 pages.

First of a two-volume Official History. Deals with both political and strategic aspects of Australia’s participation in the Korean War.


O’NEILL, Robert – Australia in the Korean War 1950-53 Volume II

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1985

ISBN: 0642043302

Index, bibliography,782 pages.

Second of a two-volume Official History. Includes Australian battle honours and awards, casualties and the Order of Battle for 1st Commonwealth Division.


PEARS, Maurie – The Battle of Maryang San 2-8 October 1951 – A Remembrance

Self-published, Isle of Capri QLD, 2004


12 page brochure.

A short history of the battle and 3 RAR’s role in it. A commemorative mini-publication.


PEARS, Maurie – Special Commemorative Edition: 60th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice – 27 July 1953

Queensland Korea War Memorial Committee, Isle of Capri, 2013

ISBN: 987-0-9803796-0-0

Images; short publication.

Covers the ceremony associated with the Korean War Memorial in Queensland.


ROE, Patrick C – The Dragon Strikes: China and the Korean War: June-December 1950

Presidio Press, Novato USA, 1950

ISBN: 0-89141-703-6

Index, bibliography maps; 466 pages.

High level American coverage of the Chinese intervention in 1950, with references to the 27th British Commonwealth Brigade (including 3 RAR) in the context of corps, divisional and brigade operations. Appendix on the Chinese Communist Army and the Chinese People’s Volunteers Order of Battle gives a good idea of what and who the Australians from 1, 2 and 3 RAR were up against.



SUMMERS, Harry G (Jnr) – Korean War Almanac

Facts of File Inc, New York, 1990

ISBN: 0-8160-1737-9 (hcvr)

ISBN: 0-8160-2463-4 (pbk)

Index, bibliography; 330 pages.

US Colonel of Infantry Summers presents a highly readable accounf of the war in Part I. Part II is a chronology. Part III is an alphabetically arranged list of military concepts. Several references to all three RAR battalions and their parent brigade.


TREMBATH, Richard – A Different Sort of War: Australians in Korea 1950-53

Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, 2005

ISBN: 1740970802

Index, bibliography, 266 pages.

A background study of Australian participation in the Korean War.



SOUTH EAST ASIA 1950-current

(includes Malaya, Borneo, Singapore & Malaysia)


DENNIS, Peter & GREY, Jeffery – Emergency and Confrontation: Australian Military Operations in Malaya and Borneo 1960-1966

Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1996

ISBN: 1863733027

Index, bibliography; 381 pages.

This is an Official History account of Australia’s military involvement in the Malayan Emergency 1948-1960, and the confrontation by Indonesia to destabilize the Federation of Malaysia, the latter fought mainly in northern Borneo between 1964 and 1966. Rolls of Honour for Malaya 1948-60 and Malaysia 1964-66 included.


RADCLIFFE, Mathew – Kampong Australia: The RAAF at Butterworth

Newfound Publishing, Sydney, 2017.

ISBN: 9781742235141 (pbk)

Index, Referenced Notes, 320 pages.

A general social history of the RAAF service at Butterworth Air Base starting in 1050. While it refers to some of the RAR battalions that served in Malaya and Borneo during the First Malayan Emergency, it is remarkable for its omission of reference to the Rifle Company Butterworth, under whom their internal security of the base depended.


 VIETNAM 1962-75


 BRODIE, Scott – Tilting at Dominoes – Australia & the Vietnam War

Child & Associates, Brookvale NSW,1987

ISBN: 0867770686

Index, illustrations,160 pages.

Multi-perspective social history of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam conflict from the 1950s. Covers the activities of the First Battalion; and the task force in Phuoc Tuy.


CAMERON, David W – The Battle of Long Tan: Australia’s Four Hours of Hell in Vietnam

Penguin Random House. Melbourne, 2016

ISBN: 9780670078271

Maps, photos, index; 392 pages.

A third party account of the battle which featured 6 RAR, especially D Coy which fought the great bulk of the battle. Substantial use if made of oral interviews, with solid coverage of the supporting arms and services.


DAVIES, Bruce with McKAY, Gary – Vietnam: The Complete Story of the Australian War

Allen and Unwin, St Leonards NSW, 2012

ISBN: 9781741750287

Index, bibliography; 704 pages.

A strategic analysis written around the fiftieth anniversary, using data and research not available until this time. Covers the background to why the war was fought, the reason and high level nature of Australia’s involvement, the nature of the enemy and their dogged persistence that eventually led to victory following the American withdrawal.


Department of Veteran’s Affairs – 40th Anniversary of the Battle of Binh Ba Vietnam

Australian Government, Canberra, 2009


References, colour, black and white photos; 40 pages.

Refers to books, articles, interviews, unit diaries other material and includes a map. The first seven pages comprise a Commemorative Service; the remainder contains the story, photos and details of the reference material about the Battle which involved 5 RAR and supporting arms moving to support 6 RAR.


EDWARDS, Peter- A Nation at War: Australian Politics, Society and Diplomacy during the Vietnam War 1965-1975

Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian War Memorial, Sydney, 1997

ISBN: 1864482826

Index, bibliography, 460 pages.

This comprehensive Official History account presents a considered and balanced interpretation of the public debate over Australian involvement in the Vietnam War and includes reference to the commitment/deployment of the battalions of the RAR.


EKINS, Ashley with McNEILL, Ian – Fighting to the Finish, The Australian Army and the Vietnam War 1968-1975

Allen & Unwin Sydney, 2012

ISBN: 978 1 6508 824 2

Index, Bibliography; 1139 pages.

The final volume of the Official History of the Australian Army’s part in the Vietnam War gives the reader a detailed understanding of Australia’s role in the ground war in Vietnam for the period. The army’s successes and frustrations are expertly described and analysed. Factors that commanders had to balance in making decisions, and how the war looked to the young Australians who had to carry those ideas into practice, are presented. Roll of Honour (Jul 68 – Nov 71), Decorations and Battle Honours included.


GRENVILLE, Kenneth – The Saving of South Vietnam

Alpha Books, Sydney, 1972

ISBN: 0855530960

224 pages.

This is the first non-official publication in Australia to set out the case for South Vietnam and to justify the US policy regarding that war. Issues of Australian and other governments in intervening to prevent the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese taking over South Vietnam are addressed. Only in the last two chapters is the RAR mentioned. It has a chapter specially written by Brigadier F.P. Serong.                                                                                             .


GREY, Jeffrey & DOYLE, Jeff – Vietnam: War, Myth & Memory

Allen & Unwin, St Leonards NSW, 1992

ISBN: 1863733191

Index, bibliographical references,157 pages.

This book examines how and why Australia became involved in the Vietnam War, what Australians thought about it at the time, and how we remember and memorialise our involvement two decades later. It explores what was uniquely Australian about the Vietnam experience, setting it within the comparative context of what the war was like for Americans and New Zealanders. The RAR is not specifically mentioned but the book provides important background to battalion operations.


HORNER, D.M. – Australian Higher Command in the Vietnam War:

Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence No. 40

The Australian National University, Canberra, 1986

ISBN: 0867848936

Bibliography,136 pages.

This monograph examines the command structure which existed during the conflict. The RAR is involved through battalions comprising the bulk of the Task Force when its command function is examined.


HORNER, David – Strategic Command, General Sir John Wilton and Australia’s Asian Wars

Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2005

ISBN: 0 19 555 282 2

Index, bibliography, 452 pages.

Tells the story of a most important and influential Australian Army officer in the second half of the twentieth century. For eight tumultuous years, firstly as Chief of the General Staff from 1963 to 1966, and then as Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee until 1970, General Sir John Wilton was responsible for the conduct of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.


KING, Peter (edited by) – Australia’s Vietnam: Australia in the Second Indo-China war

Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1983

ISBN: 0868610372

Index, bibliographical references, maps, illustrations, 226 pages.

For ten years Australia was entangled, on the losing side, in a Southeast Asian guerilla War. Several of the battalions are mentioned.


McAulay, Lex – Blue Lanyard, Green Valley

Banner Books, Maryborough, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-875593-05-7

Index, bibliography; 283 pages.

Covers Operation New Life 65, conducted in part by 1 RAR on its first tour of duty in Vietnam, with the 173rd Airborne Brigade during Nov-Dec 65.


McKAY, Gary & STEWART, Elizabeth  – With Healing Hands: The untold story of the Australian civilian surgical teams in Vietnam

Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW, 2007

ISBN: 978 1 74175 0744

Index, notes, photographs, Bibliography; 286 pp.

The story of over 450 surgeons, nurses and other medical specialists who served from 1964-72 to aid civilian casualties. 1 and 6 RAR feature in this book which is also co-authored by wounded RAR veteran.


McNEILL, Ian – To Long Tan: The Australian Army and the Vietnam War 1950-1966

Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian War Memorial 1993

ISBN: 1863732829

Index, bibliography, Honour Roll, Honours and Awards, 614 pages.

An Official History volume that is one of several covering Australia’s involvement in South East Asia conflicts over the period 1948 – 1975. Covers the operations of 1 RAR 1965-66, and 5 RAR and 6 RAR in1966.


McNEILL, Ian & EKINS, Ashley – On the Offensive: The Australian Army in the Vietnam War 1967-1968

Allen & Unwin in association with the Australian War Memorial 2003

ISBN: 1863733043

Index, bibliography; 650 pages.

This Official History volume shows how the Australian Task Force coped with the difficulties and dangers of operating with only two infantry battalions and limited resources against an elusive and aggressive enemy. Roll of Honour Jan 67-Jun 68 included.


ROSS, Andrew, HALL Robert and GRIFFIN Amy – The Search for Tactical Success in Vietnam: An analysis of Australian Task Force Operations

Australian Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne VIC, 2015

ISBN: 959.7043394 R823

References, Index, original maps, charts; 302 pages.

From 1966 to 1971 the 1st Australian Task Force fought in the war in South Vietnam. Troops from Australia and NZ were the best trained and prepared for the counterinsurgency warfare conducted. This book sheds new light on this campaign by examining the thousands of small-scale battles in which the Task Force and its RAR battalions engaged. The authors present a study of their tactics and achievements in Phuoc Tuy Province. Original maps throughout the text help illustrate how those tactics were employed.


SCOTT, Stuart – Charlie don’t Surf but Aussies Do: Taking time out from the Vietnam War

Watson Ferguson, Salisbury QLD, 2009

ISBN: 9780646497083 (pbk)

Colour photos, 96 pages.

Tall tales and true from the Peter Badcoe VC Club 1st Australian Logistic Support Group, located at Back Beach Vung Tau in South Vietnam. The RAR is not specifically mentioned, but the majority of troops using the facility were members of the RAR on leave aka Rest and Convalescence; sometimes at the same time as enemy personnel.


SMITH, Terry – Training the Bodes: Australian Army advisers training Cambodian Infantry Battalions – A postscript to the Vietnam War

Big Sky Publishing, Newport NSW, 2011, reprint 2016

ISBN: 9781921941016 (hbk.)

Index, black and white photos, endnotes, nominal roll, maps, awards; 215 pages.

A small group of Australian officers and NCOs as part of the AATTV helped train 27 Cambodian Army Infantry Battalions during the Vietnam War in 1972.  Many men of that Team were members of the RAR.



(Somalia 1992-93, Rwanda 1994-95, Cambodia 1994-95, Papua New Guinea 1946 to 1975, East Timor 1999-2012, Bougainville 1994, The Solomon Islands 2000 -2008, all remaining deployments not covered by UN or above (Rhodesia, Uganda)


BREEN, Bob – The Good Neighbour: Australian peace support operations in the Pacific Islands, 1980-2006. Volume 5. Official History of peacekeeping, humanitarian and post-cold war operations

Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne VIC, 2016

ISBN: 9781107019713 (hbk)

Bibliography, Index, Maps, images, Appendices; 500 pp.

This book is the fifth in the new Official History of Australian Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Post-Cold War Operations series. It explores the Australian efforts to support peace in the Pacific Islands from 1980 to 2006. Covers Bougainville and Solomon Islands deployments. All RAR units/sub-units and many individual RAR members included.


BREEN, Bob – Struggling for Self-Reliance: Four Case Studies in Australian Regional Force Projection in the Late 1980s and the 1990s

ANU Press, Canberra.2008

ISBN: 9781921536083

Bibliography, Notes; 231 pp.

Also known as Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence No. 171 this book covers four deployments including Operation Morris Dance (Fiji), Operations Lagoon and Bel Isi (both Bougainville), and Operation Warden (East Timor). Most RARs are extensively referred to.


BREEN, Bob and McCAULEY, Greg – The World Looking Over Their Shoulder – Australian Strategic Corporals on Operations in Somalia and East Timor

Land Warfare Studies Centre, Canberra, 2008

ISBN: 978064 2296856 (pbk)

Study Paper No 314, Bibliography: 193 pages.

Addresses the importance of junior NCOs, particularly from the RAR, who served in Somalia and East Timor, and by inference elsewhere now and into the future as modern media covers these front liners in real time, sometimes across the world, giving their decisions unprecedented exposure.


DENNIS, Peter & GREY, Jeffrey (editors) – Battles Near and Far: A Century of Overseas Deployment

Australian Army History Unit, Canberra, 2005

ISBN: 0975766902

Bibliographical references, 287 pages.

Records the proceedings of the 2004 Chief of Army’s History Conference, providing background information about the Australian Army deployments to Somalia 1993-4, Bougainville 1994, East Timor 1999-on and Iraq 2003-on.


LONDEY, Peter – Other People’s Wars – A History of Australian Peacekeeping

Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2004

ISBN: 1865086517

Index, bibliography, 312 pages.

Every Australian peacekeeping operation to 2004 is here, with incisive accounts of the causes of the conflict, the aims of the multinational intervention, the Australian contribution, and the story of what happened.


 FARRELL, John Hunter – Peace Makers: INTERFET’s liberation of East Timor: Day one in Dili to the border and the Enclave

Fullbore Magazines, Rocklea, 2000

ISBN: 064639424X

96 pages.

Covers the INTERFET operations in East Timor, including the battalions deployed in that time.


FRY, G & LLOYD, David (Photographs) – Rwanda: The Australian Contingent 1994 – 1995

Directorate of Army Public Relations, Department of Defence, Canberra 1996

ISBN: 0642234795

Includes Index, 85 pages.

This pictorial history of Australia’s United Nations Contingent to Rwanda brings together the work of five photographers – David Lloyd, Angela Blakely, George Gittoes, CPL Geoff Fox and Robyn White.


                                                                                                                                       IRAQ 2003-09 and 2014–ongoing



Nil entry



AFGHANISTAN 2006-ongoing



Nil entry




(Civilian Humanitarian Disaster ops (incl Darwin 1975 and other cyclones and floods, overseas eg PNG, Indian Ocean, and lately, Border Operations, and DACC (non-disaster) eg Olympics and Commonwealth Games and other government support eg APEC, G20)


BARRETT, Richard – Contesting the Neutral Space: A Thematic Analysis of Military Humanitarianism

Land Warfare Studies Centre, Canberra, 2010

ISBN: 9780642297235

Working Paper 137; 37 pages.

Author is an RAR veteran of Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Iraq. The paper addresses the insurgents’/terrorists’ increasing targeting of humanitarian aid workers, a problem faced by many RAR troops from Somalia onwards. The paper analyses how military contributions to humanitarian crises have influence the nature of the ;neutral’ space in the RAR’s and others’ deployments.


STRETTON, Alan – The Furious Days

Sun Books, Melbourne, 1976

ISBN: 0 7251 0248 9

207 pages.

An account of the Cyclone Tracy Darwin disaster where Stretton exercised supreme command over Darwin’s 45,00 inhabitants for six days until he handed over to others, including the Darwin Reconstruction Authority. RAR members, including Stretton himself, are mentioned. Curiously, no mention is made in his chapter on 1975 reflections of the deployment of many troops including two entire battalions – 5/7 RAR and 6 RAR, as the backbone of the reconstruction efforts that saw those battalions and other units/sub-units served there for almost six month after in the largest humanitarian disaster operation ever mounted with ADF assistance.




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