Online, “Army” the Soldiers’ Newspaper, is now available


Your fortnightly online copy of Army, the soldiers’ newspaper, is now available. • BODY ARMOUR PREVIEW: The Chief of Army will give troops in the Middle East a first look at the latest prototypes of the new Tiered Battle Armour System. • GREATER PROTECTION: The headline announcement in the Federal Budget is $1.1 million for enhanced force protection in Afghanistan, including the acquisition of a counter-rocket, artillery and mortar ‘sense and warn’ capability. • REFORM AGENDA: The Directorate of Strategic Reform – Army explains how the Strategic Reform Program will affect the Army and how soldiers can be part of the reform process. • RSM-A TO STAY ON: WO Stephen Ward has had his tenure as RSM-A extended by a year. • BIG SHOT: WO2 Peter Richards has won the Army Champion Shot medal for the third time at the Army Skill at Arms Meeting. • NEW SPORTS BODY: The launch of the ADF Paralympic Sports Program and ADF Paralympic Sports Association opens up real possibilities that wounded and injured soldiers could represent Australia in the elite sporting arena.

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