Long Tan Cross Display

As you already know, the original Long Tan Cross, erected by 6 RAR on the 3rd anniversary of the Long Tan Battle, is being loaned by the Vietnamese government to the Australian War Memorial.


Harry Smith has advised


“I have been told the AWM LT Cross display will be on the afternoon of the 17th August. That date has been set so as to facilitate people attending the Canberra VVAA National Memorial service on the morning of the 18th, as in 2006. This year is devoted mainly to AATTV, given 50 years since the first 30 Advisers went to SVN.


As earlier, I am seeking to get all the soldiers at the 1969 Cross ceremony there. They have first priority. I am also seeking to get a representative group, total “about” thirty all up, from, say, Aust A Coy (5), B (3), and D (9) Coy 6RAR, APCs (3) and NZ Arty (3), Aust Arty (3), plus USAF (1), US Arty (1), and 9 Sqn RAAF (2). Former OC Admin then A Coy Maj O’Brien rang me and wishes to be included as he was in one of the ammo helicopters. He has just been in hospital for 2 months.


Given the recent reduction in funds by the PM, we may not fare well.”


I will advise as I learn of further developments however in the meantime, you may wish to alert members, particularly those of the battalion’s second tour who were instrumental in the erection and dedication of what has become an Australian icon of the Vietnam war.



Graham Smith

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