False and Greedy Gods

Down under, we’re told the age of entitlement is over for all

To reduce the debt, “shoulders to the wheel” is the official call

Aussie pensioners are quickly seen as an easy touch

Thus Canberra plans to steal more of what already isn’t much


Ned Kelly and Robin Hood robbed the rich to give to the poor

Now it’s the other way round with Pollys stealing more and more

In the new world of rip offs, the con is more refined and very clever

Leaving Aussie battlers with even less income for ever and ever


The irony is incompetence by those in charge of the vault

Where wining and dining and wasteful expenditures never did halt

Then finally came a desperate wakeup whining call

“The Treasury is stone motherless bare and cobwebs on the wall”


Duty and sacrifice in yesteryears kept us united, proud and tall

Yet today, Canberra Suits decide such rules are not for all

It’s a slap in face for our seniors who sweated, toiled and did their bit

To be sacrificial lambs in this poorly organized and hypocritical hit


Missing is leadership by conceited false gods as they travel the land

Sometime even with family in business seats so grand

Flying so far away for social events they have contrived

Don’t forget the extra perks after they have arrived


The pension scheme is no longer what it was intended to do

It has been exploited by greedy Canberra Suits and more than a few

Thus the rich get richer and the poor get poorer by the day

Please God, remove this terrible blight and show us another way

               (With apologies to the odd fair dinkum rep wearing a Canberra suit)

George Mansford ©January  2017


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