“Falling through the Cracks” is a Royal Australian Regiment Association (RARA) proposal to help prevent it. Have your say about it.
The RARA has been involved in many discussions on various committees through the Prime Minister’s Advisory Council (PMAC) , the Ex- Service Organisations Round table (ESORT) DVA’s other Consultative forums , State Veterans’ Advisory Councils, with other ESO’s through the Alliance of Defence Service Organisations (ADSO) and with the serving ADF in particular serving members of the RAR, about the current separation/transition process and its problems and complexities.
The individual who discharges on medical grounds and who is already a DVA client is by all reports well catered in most instances, but not all, due to the complexities and frustrations at times in the various pieces of legislation and processes that individuals are subjected to.
But this proposal is not about them: it’s about “the gap” or as some would describe “the chasm” that exists after separating from the ADF. This affects in some cases individuals who are already DVA clients and many more who are not already, but yet potential clients.
This “chasm” is where individuals who separate from the ADF for non-medical reasons (end of career, end of current engagement contract, etc) seem to fall off the military radar and become “lost” when in later years health care is needed.
We need an “over the horizon radar” system to be able to keep track of them in case (when) they “hit the wall” in five, ten or fifteen years and experience difficulties and need help. There is sufficient evidence to support the need for a tracking system to support Australia’s duty of care to its veterans.
DVA is currently reshaping its culture, policies and internal processes to be “client centric” and efficient. This is a welcome initiative which the RAR Association and other ESOs have been advocating for many years: that the Government must adopt a “whole of life” care philosophy for anyone who has served in the ADF in any capacity, whether deploying operationally or not which also must include our Reservists.
To be able to keep track of anyone who has served and who may experience difficulties after separation, the RAR Association has a proposal that is being put to Government which we believe will alleviate people “falling through the cracks” and will ensure that “whole of life” care protection and support is applied.
The proposal is that anyone separating from the ADF is either (1) provided with a white/silver DVA card which covers all non-liability mental health issues and substance abuse or (2) issued with a normal Medicare Card (which everyone is going to need anyway) with a clear identifier on that card that the individual is an ex-member of the ADF. With that card an individual can at any time, free of charge, present themselves to a GP or a psychologist direct to discuss their respective issue(s) and seek treatment. This through normal medical processes would ensure that all personal particulars and contact details are up to date, ensuring that DVA and other support agencies are aware where the individual is to be able to support in any way required.
It is not a “Big Brother” type surveillance that gets up the nose of a few people; it’s more a “St Vincent” to assist people who may be suffering homelessness, substance abuse and considering self-harm, or through an unfortunate incident find them incarcerated. It’s to be considered a “leg up” but we the ESO community and DVA and other agencies can’t help if we don’t know where they are.
That’s the proposal. Its cost is minimal but its benefits for the individual and support mechanisms and first responders are enormous.
Let us know what you think of it by providing supporting or other comments to the RARA National Secretary [email protected] by 17th February 2017. Thank you.
Duty First
Michael von Berg MC OAM
RAR National Association