The ‘Fair Go!’, community awareness campaign is and will remain apolitical, that is, politically neutral.
Fair Go!, is asking all major political parties, equally, for their intentions in regard to four key matters affecting the Defence family: reform of military superannuation matters especially pension indexation, equitable treatment of veteran disability pensions, certainty in military compensation, and aspects of veteran health care.
Fair Go!, is concerned with issues, not party politics. It is each Party’s choice as to the policies it puts forward to the Australian people.
Fair Go!, is a vehicle for informing the public and people of the Defence family choices made by each Party, nothing more and nothing less.
Fair Go!, intends to pass on each Party’s responses so that people may make an informed choice on 21 August. It is then each voter’s choice, in the light of all issues affecting that voter, as to how he or she votes.
The Defence family is entitled to know where each Party stands on the four key matters. Fair Go!, has taken great pains to ensure that all political parties and candidates are treated equally.