Enough is Enough
Bulging wallets and full troughs are part of the political game
Canberra Suits should wear masks to hide the shame
As Battlers with more taxes and rising costs struggle to pay bills
While at family dinner tables, plates are far from filled
The Canberra political choir sings its new anthem every day
One catchy line is “Don’t do as we do, but do as we say”
Their battle plan is to cut expenditure and give workers less pay
No penalty rates on weekends will be the new way
How about a book on leadership for our masters to read?
It tells of personal example so essential if you are to lead
For example, never tell of cuts to weekend penalty rates
As you grab extra pieces of silver from a Treasury with unlocked gates
We need sound direction if we are to be who we should be
Rid us of crippling red tape, deceit, foreign aid and lunches so free
Snub the smothering political correctness which pleases very few
Return our freedom of speech and stop telling us what we must do
Oh to have our own Gandhi with an Ocker accent to lead
Driven by respect and vision for the people and not conceit or greed
Perhaps a new Joan of Arc or Winston rallying us to seek tomorrow
Someone to rid the constant bickering, excuses and feigned sorrow
Many of us tire of being treated as mushrooms on a far distant range
Can’t you hear the people shouting “there has to be change?”
A time may come when the call is “Enough is enough, for God’s sake”
Let’s hope there’s no foolish taunting reply like “Let them eat cake”
George Mansford ©June 2017