For all diggers, past, present and future
A Day in the Life of a Soldier
Patrolling through the jungle green
Searching for an enemy yet to be seen
Smothering heat and saturated with sweat
Terrible thirst but not to drink yet
A hand signal ripples down the single file
It means a five minute break to rest for awhile
Drinking precious water from a canteen nearly empty
We pray there is a stream ahead with cool water aplenty
Watching and listening for danger while resting on the jungle floor
You must wait tonight’s fitful sleep for sweet dreams galore
Of loved ones, hot food, icy beer and a pretty girl to meet
A soft comfortable bed and deep sleep between crisp cool sheets
Now a hand signal that we are about to go
We grunt struggling to our feet with heavy loads, painfully slow
Dark clouds hover above and suddenly drenching rain
We’re slipping, sliding in mire and softly cursing again and again
A small shelter and leafy mattress with leeches for company at night
Sentry duty at some ungodly hour in blackness totally without sight
Tomorrow, in torn muddy cloth, we’ll search once more for foe
Such is part of soldiering life wherever we go
Those yet to serve will often face danger on that unknown track
Cold, hungry, thirsty and weary yet never turning back
Whenever and whatever the task; stepping forward as one
Always the mate-ship, pride and love of country until duty done
George Mansford ©May 2016