
Opinion: Choosing arms in war on hate

Opinion: Choosing arms in war on hate

Defence analysis from Ross Eastgate drawing on Winston Churchill's experience with 'Mohammadans' in both Afghanistan and the Sudan. Preparing for the long war ahead while discovering there is nothing new under Allah.. READ MORE  

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Ross Eastgate – The Joy of Swearing

Ross Eastgate – The Joy of Swearing

Proficiency in another language is always helpful, particularly when a discrete profanity is required. In a life not always well spent mixing with soldiers of multiple nationalities in exotic locations, discovering new swear words has proved a valuable education. What...

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Opinion: Choosing arms in war on hate

Opinion – Diversity on the March

Written by Ross Eastgate Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade is on  Saturday, March 4. It's a date for your diaries, though you had better be quick if you want to reserve a place. In the interests of maintaining the mutually co-operative relationship between the Bulletin and...

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Opinion: Choosing arms in war on hate

Opinion – Wish him naught as we wave him goodbye

David Morrison crawled away from his Australian of the Year role as he performed it, self-aggrandising, unapologetic and intellectually irrelevant. Good riddance except credit where credit is due as he finally made some concession to those he should have been...

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OPINION – The RSL must embrace Change or Die

OPINION – The RSL must embrace Change or Die

Once Australia’s premier veterans’ advocacy organisation, the Returned and Services League is in rapid if not terminal decline. Its leadership is failing the broad membership, which continues to provide support at local sub-branch level. The RSL national leadership...

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"Obama declines to bomb an ISIS convoy because burning trucks will boost CO2 emissions ... Australia's defence wallahs fret about rising seas and drowning air bases ... alarmist ratbaggery distorts strategy and budgets. Military effectiveness has a new enemy: the...

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Opinion: Could history repeat itself?

Opinion: Could history repeat itself?

HISTORY sometimes has a strange way of repeating. Each of Townsville’s three infantry battalions has spent time in their formative years in what was historically referred to as the “Far East”, though it was “near west” from an Australian perspective. All served in...

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OPINION – The RSL must embrace Change or Die


The ex-service organisations (ESOs) that currently endeavour to represent the interests of the serving and former serving members of the ADF are in turmoil over direction and leadership. Kel Ryan's  current  research  “Pathways for the effective representation of the...

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Opinion: Could history repeat itself?

Opinion – Struggling with mental torture

Experience now tells us all military combat veterans sit in that identified high risk group, and we all despair as we try to identify causes, triggers and determine how we can prevent that. HERE’S a must attend event for your diaries if you are in Sydney on October 13...

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Opinion: Could history repeat itself?

Opinion – A Fatal Lapse in Safety

Last week the Defence Dysfunctionettes who run the ADF media and PR organisation scored an unusual orchestrated coup. ROSS EASTGATE, Townsville Bulletin - 22 September 2016 BUDDHISTS believe karma is the sum of one’s actions in thought, word or deed in successive...

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