You may be aware of recent public reporting about inappropriate comments made through social media. I am personally appalled and disenchanted with the repugnant comments made by some among us on Facebook. Racist and homophobic comments are entirely unacceptable and...
Media Releases
Defence culture has to change, says new chief
Stefanie Balogh From: The Australian August 19, 2011 12:00AM Reviews into defence Reviews into defence The new Defence Force chief has foreshadowed a wave of reforms'at the Australian Defence Force Academy following the Skype sex scandal. TEN19 August 2011 Close...
The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, Warren Snowdon, today announced that from October 2011, dedicated staff from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs will operate at more than 25 military bases around Australia to provide...
The RAR Corporation offers its condolences – 20 Feb 2011
The Chairman of the RAR Corporation Michael von Berg MC has offered his deepest sympathies to the family of Sapper Jamie Robert Larcombe, who was killed in action during operations in Afghanistan on Saturday 19th February 2011. Sapper Larcombe was serving with 1st...
Corporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith, VC, MG
Australian Army Awarded the Victoria Cross for Australia Corporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith, VC, MG For the most conspicuous gallantry in action in circumstances of extreme peril as Patrol Second-in-Command, Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER. Corporal...