ARMY NEWS GOES MOBILE: We have launched an official FREE app for viewing current and past editions online. The app is available through iTunes for iOS smart phones and tablets, and Google Play for Android devices. Simply search ‘Army News Australia’ in either the Apple store or Google Play.
READY TO SERVE: 1 Bde soldiers deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan – cover, pages 2-3
COURAGE IN ACTION: A sergeant from 16ALR saves the life of a woman swept 300m out to sea – page 5
SURVIVING AT CLOSE QUARTERS: The Infantry Integrated Combat course is helping soldiers learn skills to win the fight – centrepiece
And in sport: Interbrigade rugby sets the stage for interservice domination – back page
Stories online: All stories featured in Army can now be read in a call-out box, rather than zooming in on the page. To read a story, click on the headline above the story. A box will appear with the full body text of the article. To close the story, click anywhere on the screen outside the borders of the call-out box.
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