Month: June 2016

Opinion – Politics out of Unifrom

Opinion – Politics out of Unifrom

ROSS EASTGATE, Townsville Bulletin - June 23, 2016 AFGHANISTAN veteran Winston Churchill shamelessly exploited his military service to pursue his political ambitions. It was at Westminster not Canberra but after serving in India, Sudan, South Africa and a stint as an...

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cartoon sets tone for 7RAR’s service in Iraq, Afghanistan

cartoon sets tone for 7RAR’s service in Iraq, Afghanistan

  CARTOON mascot Willy the Pig has made his overseas debut with Adelaide-based army troops in Iraq. More than 400 troops, predominantly from the Edinburgh-based 7th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, began deployment last month to Iraq and Afghanistan to work...

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Help for Heroes who do it Tough

Help for Heroes who do it Tough

The Daily Telegraph (Sydney) 9 June 2016 - BRUCE McDOUGAL HOMELESS war veterans sleeping rough on the streets will be given a roof over their heads under a $1 million program to be rolled out in the NSW State Budget. Surveys have found about 8 per cent of rough...

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A Day in the Life of a Soldier

A Day in the Life of a Soldier

      For all diggers, past,  present and future  A Day in the Life of a Soldier  Patrolling through the jungle green Searching for an enemy yet to be seen Smothering heat and saturated with sweat Terrible thirst but not to drink yet   A hand signal ripples down...

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