2 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Battalions Reunion in Townsville

25th-29th JULY 2012


Registration is now open to all Australian and New Zealand veterans of the 2RAR ANZAC Battalions Vietnam 1967-68 and 1970-71.


To register go the 2RAR Association website at www.2rar-association.com.au

and either register on-line or download the Registration Form and submit it manually.  If you do not have computer access you can simply ring the 2RAR Association Secretary, Rick Hollingdrake, on (07) 3285 4197 or Mobile 0435 127 875 and a registration form will be sent to you.


The cost of attending the reunion is:

  • Early bird registration (up to 31 May) – $150 per person
  • Regular registration (up to 19 July) – $175 per person
  • On-site registration (from 19 July) – $185 per person


Entry to the Welcome and Meet & Greet function and the Reunion Dinner will be by ticket only through registration.


Book early as places are limited!


If you are or have been a member of 2RAR or 2/4RAR but not a veteran of the ANZAC Battalions Vietnam, you are invited to attend the 2RAR  ‘Open Day’ at Lavarack Barracks on Friday 27 July and the Townsville City march and Commemorative Service at ANZAC Park on Sunday 29 July.


For these activities, no registration is required

So what do you get for $150.00?



  1. What do you get for $150.00 (Early Bird) registration?


  • Professional company to provide a registration service


  • Welcome bag on arrival in Townsville


  • Reunion name tag on a lanyard


  • Welcome function (including finger food) at Townsville RSL with entertainment


  • Reunion Dinner – served 2-course dinner with beverages for 4 hours, entertainment, dancing and audio-visual presentation


  • Temporary membership of Townsville RSL for duration of the Reunion


  1. 2RAR Association is not providing funding for the Reunion. The Reunion is self-funding with costs being covered by sponsorship and attendees’ payments (registration). Costs incurred by the Reunion Committee in organising the Reunion will primarily be at their own expense. The Committee will not be reimbursed expenses from funds collected from registration fees. The Committee continues to actively seek additional sponsorship to defray the overall cost of staging this event and to achieve value for money.


  1. Portion of the cost of the ticket will pay for administrative activities including costs of printing, stationery, postage and nametags.


  1. Townsville City Council is providing substantial logistic support (in-kind sponsorship) at no cost to us.


  1. Townsville RSL is providing logistic support (in-kind sponsorship) at no cost to us.


  1. A Department of Veteran Affairs grant is pending.


  1. Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre have provided exceptional concessions to the Dinner venue. This event will be enjoyable, fulfilling and spectacular.


  1. Private enterprise sponsorship is currently being sought. Sponsors have donated quality prizes to be drawn during the Reunion, including a 2-night holiday accommodation package in Cairns.


  1. The Federal Member for Herbert (Townsville) is also providing 32 Australian national flags to be carried on the City March. These flags will represent each Australian soldier of 2RAR KIA in Vietnam. 10 New Zealand flags will also be paraded together with the Australian flags; 42 flags all together.

10. To see who is supporting us, go to ‘Sponsors’ webpage on the 2RAR Association website. They are all listed.


11. Note that early bird registration has been made deliberately cheaper to encourage early registration thereby allowing more detailed planning to be completed nearer to the Reunion.

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